It's not like I'm going to die.

My colleagues like to eat bread made by cats, so last night they made a special bread with dried apricots, and the next day they brought it back to the company to eat, this recipe is purely according to their preferences, not only with apricots, but also with some milk powder and moisture, so it's a little sticky when it's made, but the finished product is super soft, a toast shows its face, it's cleaned immediately, and some people say it's not enough to eat, is this the rhythm of bringing two cats back, haha haha...


Castaway packages

All materials except butter are placed in the wrapping machine and processed for 20 minutes.
Add butter and continue...


Sesame seeds

The first time I made this sesame salad, I loved it, it's super delicious, and those of you who like bread can try it.Ingredients: high flour 260 grams of egg yolk 50 grams of cow's milk 60 grams of pure water 50 grams of unsalted butter 35 grams of white sugar 50 grams of salt 3 grams of yeast 4 grams...


A small meal with a crispy honey base

My little meal bag doesn't have any butter, it only uses a little bit of corn oil, the meal bag is not as fluffy as the one sold outside with additives, it's soft and messy. ...


Sweet potatoes and soft cocoa

I've recently fallen in love with Europeans, especially with this soft, soft Europeans, and I can say that this is one of my favorite breads so far, I like the taste of it, I like the fact that it can change the inside filling, every time I make a soft Europe, I can change the inside filling as I want, every time I eat a different feeling, thank you!...


High protein milk toast

This square comes from the bread queen " Anne's handmade bread time ", this square is high in protein, but especially soft, make this square for two days in a row, eat it every second, then make it in advance and leave a piece for three days, the result tastes good or smells soft, so share it...


Blueberry bread rolls with milk

When blueberry dried meets fresh blueberry fruit, combined with the scent of refined milk, it creates this very rich flavored bread roll, which I'm sure will satisfy you with blueberry control. ...


Cabbage bread

I bought a lot of high-quality flour, I've always wanted to make bread, today is the right time, make the coconut bread I've always wanted to make. ...


Soy sauce

Usually, bread is made with eggs, milk, or milk powder, butter, etc. This time, a low-fat, low-sugar toast is made with soybean paste with cinnamon, with a faint bean flavor, a light, nutritious taste, and a delicate, soft toast like a cloud. ...


Peanut butter bread

Without the use of butter, only a very small amount of vegetable oil can also be very soft, with the addition of vegetable oil-made ghee and pineapple.The taste and texture of the delicate pineapple bread is like a cake. ...


Tea and cranberry toast

I don't know if you've ever eaten tea powder, except bitter I don't think there's any other taste, but the sour sweetness of the cranberry can be mixed with the bitterness of the tea, breakfast with a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice, it's just perfect. ...


Bacon and spinach bread

This bread was made at the request of the children, with their favorite bacon, which they all love to eat.Because the child's father is allergic to milk, no milk or milk powder was added to the bread this time, but the taste and flavor were not compromised. ...
