Low-temperature fresh air

It's a perennial topic in the baking world, and there are too many factors involved in success and failure; it's only with constant practice and finding the right recipe that you get better and better!...


Cake with sugar

I love this family, my son also loves this cartoon, make a cake for the baby, make the baby happy.It's the first time I've played with sugar, and it's a little rough.I wanted the cake to be a little bit taller, so I used half a cocoa sponge cake and a heavy oil cake, both six inches thick. ...


A special flavored cake - a fashionable house pie

Once you encounter baking, it's a rhythm you can't get rid of.This two-week vacation is all about making desserts, drinking tea, good books, good tea, good desserts, and wasting the day on good things.Because of the baking, I started to live a really slow life, cultivating flowers, cultivating grass, cultivating mood. ...


Peanut butter and yogurt pound cake

When I found out that I had gotten the couss cooker, I couldn't believe that the pie would fall on my head! I looked at it over and over and over again, verifying it, until I was sure that I could hardly sleep that night. I was excited, I was looking forward to the arrival of the couss cooker.I'm sorry! The first time I did it, my hair was bad, so I didn't do the test report, today I did it for the second time, peanut butter and yogurt pound cake, just done, the smell of the house attracts the stomach of people - i...


Easy lemon cake

Happiness for All
20 g of sugar? lemon peel? egg yolk? honey Mix evenly
Protein is given three times, 20 grams o...


Gohov raisin bread

Add the high-quality flour, the fine sugar, the salt, the egg yolk, the milk powder, the lemon peel, and the cocoa powde...


Lemon soda pound cake

Wouldn't it be sweet to eat more cake? There's a pound of cake right now that tastes fresh and tasty -- not only does it use lemon, but it also uses soda instead of baking powder... it's a great idea! ...


Cranberries and raisins

This kind of bread has a lot of moisture, so you have to add water and light cream according to your own high-quality flour. If you think it's too soft or not shaped, you can add a moderate amount of high-quality flour....


Mango mousse cake

It's been a long time, it's been a long time, it's been a long time, it's been a long time, it's been a long time, it's been a long time, it's been a long time, it's been a long time. ...


Cocoa beans

Since I've tried low-temperature baking, I haven't used any other method. There are always many, many methods, but the best recipe is the same, adding some ingredients will turn into another flavor, maybe it can be called a hundred times different from its original today to add cocoa powder, thick cocoa, love!...


Dried grapefruit cake

It is always popular as a representative of delicate soft cakes.Its texture is fluffy, its moisture content is high, its taste is light and tasty, its taste is moisturizing and fresh, and its baking friends, who grew from beginners, have experienced the joy of failure to success....


Sponge cake in the mountains

When faced with this gorgeous 20 cm round cake mold, the first thing that came to my mind was to come out with a gorgeous recipe to go with it, so of course the gorgeous sponge cake is the first choice....
