Christmas cakes

It's Christmas, and it's always a party on the streets at this time of year, but I don't like to go blind on the streets.First of all, I don't like the feeling of shoulder-to-shoulder, it's hard to walk a long way; secondly, people spraying substances in the air that they don't know what they are and don't feel good enough for their health anyway.So I like to have a fun atmosphere at home!...


Cake from the White Snowberry Garden

Today is a very happy day, although it's not a big deal, it's not a big deal, but today the first birthday cake was born in my hands.It's not perfect, but I'm satisfied.The decoration of the cake is relatively simple, but it's also atmospheric, with a little trick, cleverly concealing the lack of flowers for beginners, if you're like me, and you're not particularly fond of flowers, you might as well try it, you won't be disappointed.When I ate it, I found that the almond crumbs in the cake layer were really, really...


Chocolate fruit cake

"Yesterday was the birthday of my classmate, my mother-in-law, and since I started studying baking in the first half of the year, I've been thinking that I wish I could make a loving birthday cake for my family with my own hands."A few days ago, I tried it for the first time, and I made the snow-white strawberry garden cake from the previous blog, and after I made it, I was still quite satisfied, that before the flowers, I didn't have any idea, I played it temporarily.And this cake, I was thinking about the picture...


Thousand layers of curry cake

Mille crêpe is a French dessert.Juju has also uploaded the recipe for curry cake, so today's task is to make a thousand layers of curry cake stacked together, not only the ingredients and the recipe are simple, but the curry cake has a strong taste combined with aromatic chocolate sauce....


Pear pudding cake

Flognarde is a famous dessert in the Limousine region of France, mainly a pudding-flavored cake made with pears and egg yolk, other common ones are also cloves made with cherries.Nyudo's mouthfeel is as delicate and smooth as a pudding, and the baked pears take the aroma of the entire cake to a higher level.To be honest, because the process is very simple, the first time JuJu made this cake, the expectations for him were not so high, as a result, after trying it, he was instantly conquered by its deliciousness, it ...


Small car cake

A few days ago, my nephew turned one, and the boy liked guns, cars, and other toys, so he was going to make a car cake, and he wanted to make an 8-inch car, but he had only a box of 250 ml of light cream at home, and he was worried that it wouldn't be enough, so he made a 6-inch one, and the older nephew said, "Every time you make a cake, it's so small, it's not enough for me to eat alone". ...


The mini pumpkin pudding cake

When summer comes, women who want to eat something light, simple, delicious and not lacking in a romantic atmosphere, Juju shares a very simple, but very light and delicious super-emotional dish - pumpkin pudding cake, JuJu believes that girls will especially like this French dish....


Strawberry cream cake

Strawberry cream cake made at home on the weekends, the little guy is always interested in fresh things, he shouts as soon as he sees them, the kids are happy and the adults are happy too. ...


Thousand layers of mango cake

I made a thousand layers of mangoes in a small cup, and added a mirror, suddenly I felt like mousse, the taste was like a stick drop because the Spring Festival is coming, I drew chocolate decorative accessories, wish my relatives Sanyang (goat) Thai, good luck...


Two-colored cake

Preparing the main ingredients
The cake is divided in half from the middle.
Cream and sugar sent to moist foam


Rainbow cake

My neighbor's family had a cute baby, and I wanted to make a cake to congratulate her, and ask her what kind of cake to make, and the little guy recently liked to draw rainbows, and he said he had to make rainbows, so I wanted to try it too. ...


Underwater world scene cake

The girl's little girlfriend also celebrated her fifth birthday, a very nice little princess, who has been interested in everything about the ocean since childhood, so she was going to make a cake from the ocean series for her, that day her daughter was at home, she had to participate in the production of her best friend's cake, and I had a lot of opinions, in the meantime, I pressed my cake on two pits, preventing her from continuing down, so people turned their heads and said: If you do this again, I will never b...
