Purple and pineapple bags

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Flower bean sandwiches

Milk, eggs, white sugar, salt, milk powder, high-fiber flour, yeast, etc. are placed in the bread barrel in sequence, co...


Cocoa chain bread

It's nice to see a purple potato head.I thought it must be good to make bread, so I made it delicious, but the layers of the threads are not very clear, if the layers are many and clear, it's perfect. ...


Crab bread

I said that the pursuit of beauty and perfection of the finished product is my task to learn now, seeing beautiful patterns makes me want to practice, I really like to make orthopedic bread more and more, this is what I learned to make today - crab bread, with a little bit of wood. ...


Turtle bags

Ms. Zhang Qing, the editor-in-chief of Wuhan Magazine, who participated in the last reader's salon event at the city library, shared her experience of tourism and cuisine with everyone, saying that it was really envious, but I, don't say a trip that goes away, it's impossible to even say once that goes away! ...


Cream and cheese bread

I've made this cream cheese bread before, and my family has always tasted it.Two days ago, I had just finished making a durian cheese cake, and a big box of cream cheese had to be used up.So, the ratio of the cream cheese bread was adjusted again, and the remaining 250 grams of cream cheese were used up, and it tasted so good that even the grandmother who rarely eats sweets was delighted!...


Rose bread

This rose bread is not only beautiful, but most importantly delicious!...


Yogurt and pineapple sauce

The ingredients of the dough: high flour 250 grams of refined sugar 35 grams of refined salt 1/4 teaspoon of refined yea...


Cranberry loaf of bread

The first time I made a loaf of bread, it ended in failure, and I couldn't get it out of my mouth for an hour, and it was baked in Hard Bang Bang.I haven't touched bread since.I accidentally found a quick bread that doesn't need to be fermented, it's simple and doesn't need to be stirred, and I tried it and found that it tastes good, this bread tastes good between cake and bread, with yogurt and cranberries, it tastes up-up-up!...


Honey bean bread

Put all the main ingredients except the butter in the bread maker and start the first baking process.
At the end of ...


Peanut butter bread

It smells good. It smells good....


Pumpkin flower bread

Two of my friends suddenly said that they hadn't eaten my pumpkin bread for a long time, it was delicious, and then I remembered that I hadn't done it for a long time, so the next day I bought a big sliced pumpkin, this time not a pumpkin toast, but a shaped one, made in the shape of a flower, the picture really didn't work, because I put more pumpkin filling, it was so yellow, it was so delicious!...
