Black sesame seeds

Stir in the baking machine for 10 seconds with ice cream, yeast, powdered white sugar.
Don't pour all the flour and ...


Grapefruit bread

One day at breakfast, I saw a loaf of bread, the square is still made with 5 degrees of ice, I like this method of making bread more and more, I like its soft taste, and it is also more suitable for my kind of love of making bread, as the book says, yeast in low temperature is like a natural healthy child, although the cycle is longer and takes more time, but the bread made after low temperature fermentation smells and tastes completely different.I'm used to making bread at home, and if I don't do it for a week, it...


Cream packed meals

Today this cream lunch bag, it seems very simple, but it's not easy to make, the square comes from freedom, from the moment I saw her, I was attracted by her smooth and smooth appearance, I started to worry about whether it would be possible to make such a smooth appearance and round shape, no matter what the process would be, it would not be possible to cover the flaws, with a restless heart completed the production of the lunch bag, the sky was gloomy when filming, a little bit of sunlight entered the window, the...


Honey and rose bread

All materials other than butter are kneaded until the dough expands smoothly on the surface, butter is kneaded until it ...


Mini meal packages

Now, I make bread almost every day, and from the moment I start weighing, the kids are rolling around at my feet, grabbing my eggs, grabbing my flour.After a busy meal, followed by a full house of sweets, right at the end of the jingle, he waited under the oven, while he held it in his hand and ate it, and then in his mouth he didn't forget to say: good food, good food.I was very, very happy.Thinking that in this day and age of all kinds of additives, I'm really glad that I can make some healthy snacks for my famil...


Cabbage rolls

I've been busy making mooncakes for a while, I've been up until 12 o'clock in the morning for two days, I've been tired for several days, now I've taken a break for a few days, I've started to knead again, I've attached a step-by-step diagram of kneading when writing a diary, it's very interesting, everyone seems to be very fond of this handmade handmade kneading, because I haven't bought a baking machine, so I can only do it by hand, I don't feel very tired, instead I feel like watching TV kneading for about half ...


Purple bread

Today's filling is homemade, made with mashed potatoes, clean and hygienic, and delicious, the bread smells like mashed potatoes, and it tastes good....


Small bread with soy sauce

I made all the meatballs and beans myself.I didn't take pictures when I made it, you can see other recipes, it's very easy to make your own soy sauce, I'll briefly explain the steps at the end.The soup is also very simple, I don't remember taking a picture this time, it's easy to make it by looking at other recipes.Simply add 20 grams of high-quality flour, 100 grams of water, and a non-particulate dough, then put on a dry fire and heat until the pattern appears....


Ripping bread by hand

Bread ingredients other than butter are placed in the wrapping machine, two kneading procedures
Put the butter in an...


Bread with castor oil

It's great to eat cassava bread, this time with old bread, no old bread can be omitted, the square is the amount of two braids bread. ...


Olive-shaped snack bags

Turn the dough in two stages for five minutes until the dough is smooth, add the butter, and continue to turn the dough ...


Ham wrapped in double guacamole

Water and baking soda are placed in the wrapping machine, then the high-powder yeast is added, the IMIX process is start...
