Bags of guts

All materials except butter are poured into a bread bucket equipped with a stirring knife, stirred slightly evenly, the ...


Ham bread

Ham bread is the bread I make more often, because it's savory in itself, and the ingredients are simple, and it's relatively simple to make!...


Tofu bread

I hadn't been able to make bread before, but then I watched American Horror Story 2, and I saw how soft the dough was, and I suddenly realized that handmade bread is basically the process of making bread. ...


Red bean sandwiches

Because the dough can only be spread with a mobile phone, the above ingredients, except butter, are poured into the bowl...


Flower-shaped bread

First, the butter is softened, then the sugar and eggs are mixed, then the coconut oil is mixed, the coconut oil and but...


Bread with meat

The chicken bread with the salad dressing is really good.I like to make twice as much, half salad dressing, half island dressing.It tastes different. ...


Strawberry cheese bread

This is what my sister learned last week at the ABD cooking studio.ABC's curriculum is very detailed, from how to operate to how to use tools, and you can learn even from scratch. ...


Mini bags of pineapple

Mix all the material in 1
Mix into a smooth dough and ferment for one hour
Mix the ingredients in 2 and grind in...


Purple peas and yellow bread

The heart of the soft peas is wrapped in a slightly hard purple dough, which is a charming color from the inside out, giving a warm power to the eye, belonging to the snack of astonishment, emitting the taste of the revival of everything......



All the ingredients except the butter are mixed in a bucket and kneaded into a dough.
After cooking, the oil is adde...


Tofu bread

My grandmother likes to eat soy sauce, and the family often buys several bags at a time, makes bags, bakes bread, and so on. ...


Onion stew - bread - salted bread

The main ingredients other than butter are put together and kneaded until the dough surface is smooth, allowing a thicke...
