Mini bowl of bread

My family loves small breads with ingredients, such as small breads with dried fruit, bean sandwiches, coconut bread, or bacon bread, and of course, mini pancakes, which can be counted among the top three. ...


Coffee and rice flour

Coffee glutinous rice flour sausage is made with a baking machine, its special feature is that it is made with glutinous rice flour and coffee, it has the aroma of coffee, it is soft and glutinous, eating a few slices for breakfast can wake up the mind, the key is not to put the material in the baking machine, you can eat a tough bread. ...


Central Hokkaido

People who love baking love all kinds of molds.I'm no exception, even though I have a lot of toast molds at home, I'm willing to try different brands of molds, different brands, different baking times, different temperatures.The finished product is also slightly different.Today I tried the new model of the apprentice cook, and I thought I'd make this 100% Chinese milk Hokkaido.The apprentice cook's mold conducts heat faster than other molds, so my temperature dropped slightly by ten degrees.The time has also increa...


Yoghurt whole wheat

It's made with a baking machine, and it's easy and convenient.The whole wheat flour is a little chewy, and the yogurt makes the bread very soft. ...


Pumpkin bread

Halloween is coming, and all sorts of pumpkin-themed snacks are coming out, making a pumpkin-squeezed bread, preheating before the festival....


Milk and cheese

The butter is softened, the milk powder is added, the sugar is added until the color turns white, the volume increases, ...


The crown of milk

Don't cry! The crown will fall!...


Flower sandwiches

Put the material other than the butter in the container and start kneading.
Rub the surface smoothly and put small p...


Sesame bread sticks

The bread stick is full of sesame seeds, and the food is full of sesame seeds, and it's made into a long, thin piece, and it's very convenient to eat with sesame seeds in the autumn.The following portion can be used to make about 17 loaves of bread. ...


Soya caterpillars

The caterpillar bread, the bean soup wrapped in it, the baby said, "Mommy, it's so cute"....


Super soft food packages

Preparing materials
Pour the flour, salt, sugar, and dry yeast into the bowl and stir evenly with your fingers.


Flower bread

This bread, if you like it stuffed, you can make it stuffed, and if you don't like it stuffed, you can make it unstuffed like me....
