Taste of the original

It's a very popular afternoon tea snack, and when it's freshly baked, it's crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and rich in butter, and it's delicious!...


Almond and cherry cake

After baking the fragrant almonds, her unique scent and the sweet taste of the cherry, then mixing the flour with the delicate, delicious teeth of the lips, enjoy the whole thing, take a sip while it's hot, guaranteed to make you unforgettable for life!...


The cranberry sauce cake

It is also divided into two types, one of which can be eaten after baking, to be baked in an oven with waterproof steam, baked cakes are smooth and delicate like soft tofu, taste soft and delicate, fragrant and pleasant, baked cakes cannot be directly molded or cooled, can be cooled and molded can also be refrigerated for eating.Another is the use of a solvent to condense cream cheese or fresh cream, which is then combined with biscuits or some of the above traditional cakes, which do not need to be baked in the ov...


French vegetable salty cake

I'm going to try the TM018 Bread Wizard baking machine again, and today I'm going to use the baking machine's baking function to bake cakes.Today I made a cake that tastes a little bit different from the sweet cake that we usually eat, and this French vegetable cake tastes a little bit stronger, and it's not chocolate or fruit, it's vegetable bacon.In France, salty cakes are often eaten as a matter of course, and the process of making them is very simple; as in the making of muffins, the raw materials are simply st...


Japanese cotton cake rolls

This is a Japanese-style cake roll, compared to the recipe and practice, it is very similar to the previous Shuffle cake roll, but it may be due to the change in the ratio, it is better to handle than Shuffle cake roll, the finished product is also easier to roll, the taste is of course better!...


Light cheese cake

Light cheese cake, cheese, light cream, butter, homemade vanilla sugar, just look at the ingredients, you know how to eat badly, I love to take pictures in the sun, it's warm to look at!...


Fruit cake with many layers

If tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and you want to make a cake and give him a surprise, but there's no low-fat flour? There's not many eggs? Is it a surprise?...


Little sheep paper cup cake

Using the sponge cake body of Teacher Choi. ...


Cheese pudding

The pudding itself is a very simple dessert, and the most important thing is to control the heat.This pudding is a classic, and everyone who has made it has praised it.It's delicious, it tastes good, and a spoonful of it is an endless feeling of happiness!...


Cream cup cake

My daughter said, "Mom, I want to eat cream cake".I said, "Okay".So I made this cream cake cup, and when it was done, the little beauty said, "I want to eat something like a birthday cake"......


Red pomegranate cheese and velvet cake

I used to swear in my heart that every year on my birthday I would give him a birthday cake made by my own hands. This is the third year, the child grows up day by day, many things can be understood, he has his own preferences, sweets are probably a dish that all children cannot refuse, from my first day of making cake embryos, this little guy is constantly eating next to me, in order not to let him spoil, I just have to urge his father to hurry and take the child out to play....


Cream and strawberry cake

Cut the butter into small pieces in a small pot, heat it until the butter melts (this step is not photographed)
The ...
