Unicorn seeds refrigerated for 17 hours - white toast

Let's see if this toast is better the more it's made, haha. ...


Heavy oil cake

The first time I used a baking machine to make a cake, there was no low-fat flour, I used ordinary flour and cornstarch in a ratio of 4:1, it is said that it can achieve the effect of low-fat flour, the proportion of oil is staggering, the heat is so high -_-#, the key is to add so much sugar, the taste is not very sweet, due to laziness, all given to the baking machine, the eggs are not beaten carefully, the cake is relatively loose, is there too much oil?...


Yujin tea toast

In baking, the term is used to describe the heating of flour with water on a gas stove to produce a paste of flour, or the addition of hot water to the flour to make it paste. The biggest difference is that the paste of flour increases the absorption of water, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which delays aging, and is more delicate and refreshing than conventional bread....


The best fruit toast for working people

Pour the milk into the barrel of the packing machine.
Then add a liquid such as egg yolk vegetable oil.
Add the ...


Spicy peanut butter

First of all, it's a thick milkshake, it's already thick in the hand, it's going down fast, it's biting, the outer skin is sweet and sour, the inside is filled with all kinds of salty, sweet and spicy mixtures, all kinds of flavors and flavors are layered, the taste is endless.It is very suitable for tasteful Chinese snack lovers.I have to add that it's also very suitable for beginners in baking. ...


The vanilla cake

First, the egg whites and egg yolks are separated, 120 ml of sugar and tartar powder are added, and the egg whites are s...


Winter energy cake - banana cake

Eggs are cooked without oil or water, the eggs are cooked with red sugar and fine sugar, and the eggs are cooked with an...


Blueberry and coconut

The main thing is that this steak is very simple to make, add some two-and-a-half seconds of young-style wild blueberry dry, and also consume a lot of light cream, it's a double whammy! When it comes out of the oven, I can't resist one, the milk smell is thick, the flavor is endless, it's not very sweet, it also has a slightly salty taste, it's too much for my taste.On a cold winter day, baking a plate for afternoon tea is really warm to the heart. ...


Carrot pudding cake

Prepare the necessary ingredients, separate the eggs, and add 5 drops of lemon juice to the protein.
Thin sugar and ...


The bubble

Preheat the oven to 180°C and heat the butter, milk, and cream together with the sugar and salt until boiling.
Pour ...


Tea and green beans

The ingredients are mixed separately into clusters and left to simmer for 20 minutes.
The oil is divided into 16 equ...


Golden cheese and yogurt toast

I was lucky enough to try a powerful cooking machine, and I got my hands on a cake roll, and then I turned around and made toast, but the first time I used a cooking machine to make dough, I had no experience, it took me a long time to finally make this dough...The ingredients: dough: high starch flour 240g, golden cheese powder 10g, yogurt 120g, egg yolk 44g, butter 20g, salt 3g, fine sugar 30g, yeast 4g decorated with ghee: sugar powder 15g, low starch flour 25g, cream powder 3g, butter 20g...
