Cranberry horn bread

Except yeast and additives.
Put it all in the barrel.
Menu 10 is dedicated to making dough.
The dough is kne...


Hot dogs

A hot dog is a type of sausage.A whole-bread sandwich with hot dogs can also be called a hot dog.Hot dogs can be served with many types of ingredients, such as tomato sauce, tomato paste, mustard paste, cabbage paste, onion paste, lettuce paste, tomato paste (sliced, sliced or sliced) and pepper.I love hot dogs, so I have to go to Ikea and get two.Today's squares are consuming natural bacteria, so do it yourself. ...


Old bread

Old-fashioned bread, is the product of the emergence of bread, with the development of the era, the types of bread are endless, very many, but old-fashioned bread has not been eliminated by society, but has become the most delicious taste in the memory of many people, simple and happy, many pasta enterprises have always adhered to the old-fashioned flavor of old-fashioned bread to meet the needs of consumers, no exception.The practice of old-fashioned bread has also become popular among many consumers, who are tryi...


Black sugar bread

First put the caramel liquid material in the milk pot, cook it over medium heat to caramel color, take 25 grams and pour...


Two-colored bread flowers

Ingredients: medium-sized dough: high-flour 224 grams of starch dry yeast 2.5 grams of starch milk 145 grams of main dou...


Cheese and cranberry flowers

Raw materials: medium-sized dough: high-flour 224 g starch dry yeast 2.5 g starch milk 110 g starch cheese 75 g main dou...


Black and white toast

This toast is very easy to make.In fact, many people don't know much about bamboo powder, properly eating bamboo powder is good for the human body! So simple for the body and healthy bread, of course try it! And the process is super simple, suitable for beginners to operate!...


Weekend little practitioner - the classic old-fashioned bread

The ingredients in the yeast are mixed and left in a warm place until they swell and fall back, forming a honeycomb insi...


Toasted Christmas tree bread

In addition to the butter, the dough is mixed in the baking machine, which I usually do twice, for a total of 30 minutes...


Cheese and laughing bread

The bread is made using medium-sized bread, and medium-sized bread can be 100% medium-sized bread or 70% medium-sized bread, I don't intend to do Hokkaido everyday with 70% medium-sized bread is enough, the taste is already soft enough.Add the cheese to the sauce!...


Panda bread

I've been baking for over a year, and I really, really like it, and I haven't had a loaf of bread or a cake in a while, and I've always felt uncomfortable.I especially love making bread, watching a piece of dough turn into a thick, fragrant loaf of bread in my hand, that feeling, you know.I especially enjoy the feeling of making bread with a baking machine all the time, without the effort and the dough, without looking at the fermentation time.All you have to do is pour all sorts of ingredients into the bucket, lis...



A friend has a birthday, but she can't eat a birthday cake, she doesn't like to eat sweets, and she's allergic to eggs, so, in our house, this is a real ingredient, a bunch of eggs made into a cake, the poor person doesn't want to think about it at all, but after the birthday, there's always a cake made to celebrate, she wants to make a beautiful cake, even if she doesn't eat it, the family blows a candle together, it's also a bit atmospheric, who doesn't know which one, you can order a cake, I want to eat it salty...
