It's like a mirror cake.

Today I made a ganache cake, and I took a description of ganache from the Internet: ganache is the French spelling of ganache, which is a very old chocolate-making process.The semi-sweet chocolate is cooked slowly with fresh cream on a small fire until the chocolate is completely dissolved, while constantly stirring to make the cocoa texture as soft as possible.After an elaborate production process, the chocolate with a rich aroma, a slightly moist taste, and a graceful and pleasant taste like a berry is called "Ga...


Melon and strawberry mousse

This mousse cake, which is made today, has a very obvious regional cuisine characteristic, mixed with flowers in the dish, thick strawberry sweetness combined with a light tea flavor, surrounded by cold and seductive strawberry flavor, a bite down, a slightly sour sweet flavor combined with a soft and delicate flavor, surrounded by a tightly wrapped strawberry, flowers with no gap between the spices and the spices, at this time, the light taste of the tea also begins to spread in the mouth, and the water is no less...


The red romance-love cake

Today this flower cake is the same as the one used to make the embryos, a little bit of decoration is OK, I wanted to make the effect of red roses, use big red dyes, a few drops, but as if the color is not so red, use this color.I've been thinking about what to call this cake, red is the color of celebration, and it's also the color of passion and love, so I called it love cake.Or do you prefer the flowers squeezed out with cream cream, which is more three-dimensional, and today we use light cream. ...


Cake with black sesame seeds

Preparation materials: protein egg yolk separation, low flour, wheat flour mixed with sieve.
Put the milk, the butte...


Birthday cake for small cars

Preparation: egg yolk dough material: egg yolk dough fine sugar 20 grams of vegetable oil dough water dough low flour do...


Savarin is a traditional cake.

I've been playing in the oven for two years, and I've made the most of the classic Chiang Kai-shek cake, the thick flavor, the thick egg aroma that always surprises people....


Black and white cakes

Separate the egg whites and yolks in two basins without water or oil.
Add 10 grams of white sugar to the mixture, th...


Rose cakes blooming like flowers

It's been a long time since I've had a flower, it feels so raw, the roses that come out are always unsatisfactory, the dough is not flat enough, I hope that one day I can remove the cake embryos and decorate them at will without fear of embarrassment.It's really unpleasant to see watermarks on food, but there are so many people who steal pictures at random, and it's really heartbreaking to see pictures and text that they've worked so hard to create being stolen by others. ...


Sweet and sour yogurt cake

Recently, I joined a baking group, and every day the girls' chat logs were like waves of mountains and oceans, making a yogurt cake with the wind..It's not ideal to remove the mold with a newly bought Mickey mold..This cake tastes like a light cheese cake.The taste of the yogurt is not obvious, but the cake is fresh, sweet and not boring. ...


The original Brick Fennel Snow

First, I tested the temperature control of the oven.
Select the tube heating mode, test temperature: 180 degrees, ti...


Angel cake

Make this cake with the extra protein from the tiramisu.It's the king's square, slightly changing the amount of material used in the lower square. ...


Tea and ice cream cake

I've loved ice cream since I was a kid, and I've been called an ice cream baby, so you can see how much I love ice cream.Every time I go to the supermarket, I buy a bunch of ice cream frozen in the fridge, and the fridge is always full, and I can eat 10 ice creams at a time.After loving baking, to be precise, after entering the kitchen, I saw that everyone was making their own ice cream, so I decided to do it myself, in the kitchen, I not only learned a lot of food, but I also changed my eating habits, my diet beca...
