Pineapple bread

Materials used to make pineapple peel: butter: 72 grams, sugar powder: 60 grams, egg yolk: 30 grams, milk powder: 15 gra...


Walnut, pumpkin, and grapefruit basket

I don't like to eat rice pudding, but I don't want to put it away for a long time, so I made it into rice pudding bread....


Banana and chocolate toast 500 g

Like my last bread, it's a square I saw in a book, and I liked it after I made it, so I'm sharing it with you.The recipe for this bread is not very big, please use a 500g bread maker to make it, the finished product is not yet a bread bucket big enough for 2 or 3 people to eat, from the preparation of the material to the oven, it takes 3 hours.The mouth is soft and sticky, the entrance is dense, the cocoa is slightly bitter at first, leaving a faint sweetness in the back of the mouth, the taste is endless.Heavy-tas...


Bread and cheese

This bread has been very popular lately, and my friends in the food industry are making it, so how could I miss it? So I made two 6-inch ones myself over the weekend, to satisfy my own and my family's wishes.The cheese filling was delicious. Oh, I used the cream cheese from Kiri, it tastes good.I've made so many loaves of bread, and I think the unpleasantness of the bread has a lot to do with the flour, and for now, I think the almond flour is good, and I recommend it to everyone....


Coconut wood bags

All dry materials except water and butter are placed in the flour pan and stirred evenly; add water and into a smooth do...


Black beans

Whole wheat flour germ powder + 105 simple and dough, high flour + water 101 simple and dough, sealed and refrigerated o...


One - onion bread

I'd like to make small meals, jam, cheese slices, meatballs, and so on.When I was doing my makeup, I suddenly remembered a news story I had seen once, so I changed it to onion bread.The original text is as follows: The Taipei City Pastry Business Association recently conducted a survey of more than 300 members in the Greater Taipei area, and the results showed that pineapple and onion flowers are considered the most classic, and red bean and cream cheese is the third and fourth.In order to promote the style of brea...



The dough material is placed in the wrapping machine, then the oil is kneaded until the dough is smooth.
(I chose th...


Cranberry bread

Except for salt and butter, all mixed together into a lump.
It's like rubbing the wrong clothes over and over again,...


Dried toast with rice flour

First, add 195 grams of flour.
High starch bread flour is available, medium flour is not recommended.
Why? Becau...


Cabbage bread

Put water and eggs in the bread bowl, add sugar and salt to the corners.
Add the milk powder flour, add the yeast to...


Hot dog shaped bread

Pour 23 g of boiling water into 20 g of high-strength powder and stir evenly with a chopstick.
As shown in Figure 1....
