Almond crackers

Butter eggs are mixed in the blender (white), added to the eggs, mixed evenly, added to the high and low starch flour, q...


Almonds and cookies

Mix the butter and sugar powder together in the blender into a white liquid, add the eggs to stir evenly, add the high a...


Chocolate cookies

As a loyal chocolate lover, I'd like to add a little bit of chocolate to the fun.Do it yourself! (this recipe is about 30 biscuits, you can't bake it all at once, you can put the dough in the freezer, wait for it to harden completely, collect it in a plastic bag, next time you want to bake it, bake it for one or two more minutes)...


The cookie.

I tried the Cass electronic oven, and this cookie doesn't use eggs, it's crispy, and it smells like milk.Baked directly with the oven's pre-set cookie function, the temperature and time are just right. ...


The witch's finger cookies

It's been a long time since Halloween, but this cookie has been moving since it was first seen.Marvel at the imagination of the original creators! Do it yourself today...


Cinnamon cookies

1 Butter softened in the room, added sugar powder, stirred, without spreading
Add low-fat flour and cranberries


Christmas cookies

It's Christmas in two days, and on the weekend I made some Christmas cookies and brought them home to my niece, and when she saw them, she was so happy that she ate them.A child is a child, seeing colorful things is love without letting go. ...


Blueberry chickpeas for beginners

It's the second food that Anika has baked, and it's basically zero experience, and it's the first cookie that she's made, and she's had time to teach it to everyone, and after eating it once, she fell in love with it....


Tea and cookies

After softening the butter, add the sugar powder.
Mix evenly to slightly fluffy
Add two eggs and stir evenly!


Biscuits and cookies

Put the butter in the bowl to soften the water.
Add sugar powder and spread until the color fades.
Add the whole...


The classic cranberry biscuits

Friends who like to bake and play with cookies should have played with cranberry cookies.It's easy to use and tastes like a classic.The thick smell of butter, due to the addition of cranberries, the sweet and sour taste is the rhythm that keeps us eating.The cranberry is a small round berry with a bright red skin and flesh that grows on dwarf vines. Because fresh cranberries grow mainly in the cool areas of the Northern Hemisphere in acidic peat soils, the fruit is not easy to preserve, and is usually prepared as c...


Margaret, please.

Butter softening at room temperature
Butter, sugar powder, a little salt until the hair turns white.
The egg yol...
