Banana muffins

Prepare the ingredients, mix all the liquid and sugar together, and mix the ingredients with a manual egg beater.


Stuffed walnuts

Walnut butter, originating from the court cooks, who exactly? No one can answer.But the practice has been passed down from generation to generation.The housewives, the new brides, they're practicing, they've got boards, they've got eyes, they're like models.Its main characteristics are dry, spicy, crisp, and sweet.In fact, it's more fun for the elderly.Going home for New Year's Eve, bringing a homemade delicious peach cobbler to the elderly, without saying a word.The elderly do not lack food and drink, they lack th...


Walnut butter

The last time I made a peach pie with walnut meat, it was very popular with the elders, so I made some more for the elders last night.This is made by crushing walnuts into walnut powder and mixing them into flour to make them crisper and taste more like walnuts.And this cake is one of the bridesmaids' cakes in our village.When I got married, I bought it at a bakery for a dollar each.I did the math last night, and it's probably going to cost four or five bucks a piece (assuming this cake is the same size as the one ...


Pumpkin and coconut

After making the dough, I was trying to figure out what shape to make, and I happened to see a child eating it with an ice cube, and I immediately remembered the breadcrumbs from Sister Liberty's book, and I made breadcrumbs. ...


Cinnamon cookies

The more the merrier.
Sugar powder is added to corn oil and sent by an electric egg beater.
Add the eggs, add th...



The pineapple is peeled, the eyes are washed, and the flesh is cut, and the fruit is ground with a raw juicer.
Pour ...


I love the three-color cookie.

5.20, on this special day, make a sweet little biscuit for your loved ones, representing, small festival, great joy, baking brings people good pleasure, sweet love....


Red bean sandwiches

I've never used a food scale, but to make a pastry, a measuring cup and a set of measuring spoons are enough....


Pumpkin and coconut bread rolls

The bread made in this way is soft, the filling is coconut-flavored, and it's delicious, and the amount of ingredients can make six loaves of bread....


This is a vegetable pizza.

210 grams of milk poured into a packing machine barrel
Add 300 grams of high starch flour
Add 3 grams of yeast, ...
