Oatmeal bags

Oatmeal packaging, originating from the oatmeal at home has not been able to be eradicated, on hot days, the powdered me is now accelerated digestion.Adults like coarse food, I like it, I think I'll make some for the elderly, and I'll have this one.For the sake of a soft and tasty feel, refrigeration is used, which is also especially suitable for friends of the family who go to work.On the first day, the medium-sized dough is mixed and refrigerated for more than 17 hours, and the next day it is processed together w...


A simple way to make bread

The bread is better when it's fresh, it's softer, you can add a little bit of tomato sauce to it, it tastes good! Although the bread may be a little hard when it's cold, it doesn't taste so good, but I think it's healthier than the one you buy outside, at least there are not so many additives.If the bread is hard and you don't feel like eating it, you can bake it and eat it. ...


Soups and sandwiches

In Japanese, it means "warm face" or "rare face".Soup and other ingredients used in bread, bread made by stirring, fermenting, shaping, and baking are called soup bread.The biggest difference between soup bread and other breads is that starch paste increases water absorption, so the structure of the bread is soft and elastic, which can delay aging.Soy sauce ring bread is a round dough wrapped in soy sauce, flattened, fried a few times and then twisted into a flower shape, soy sauce spread on top of the dough, my fa...


Corn bread

Mix high-quality flour and rye flour.
Add salt, red sugar, and yeast, carefully separating the three sides, otherwis...


Bread and butter

This is a model that I saw on a foreign website, because there are no pictures, so I like it, but I don't have a square to refer to.After comparing some previous bread squares, I chose a medium-sized approach to try this shaped bread.It's a good effect, it's innocent, it's silly, and it's very cute.I like it, do you like it?...


Low-fat soft sweet bean yogurt stew

Every weekend when the family gets together, I like to make all kinds of packages for the family.The overall feeling of the packaging looks the most full and spectacular, and a small loaf of bread or a bar or a circle is tightly connected, as intimate as a family.This pack, originally a glutinous rice honey yogurt pack, is low in fat and quite soft, and is one of my favorite packing recipes.This time, I put a layer of my favorite Japanese sweet bean paste on top of the bread, and after the oven, I added a layer of ...


Milk and herbs

Chinese method, the quantity of a plate of 33 x 23 grilled dishes.The Chinese method, also known as the secondary awakening method, refers to a method that goes through a secondary fermentation stage in the production process.The fermentation stage of bread allows the dough to form a better network and produces a characteristic bread fermentation aroma. The secondary fermentation method produces a strong wine aroma of the dough through longer fermentation, making the dough more mature. ...


Large bread

It's a big, soft loaf of bread, and it's supposed to be made of six strands, but my IQ doesn't understand it, so I use this method....


65 degrees of coconut heart bread

The heart-shaped bread, the bright colors, the pleasant shape, I can't wait to see more.On a special day, love-filled coconut heart-shaped bread is made.The bread came out of the oven, the house was filled with the smell of coconut and milk, the golden yellow was enticing, the heart was full of joy. ...


Old-fashioned bread fermented at low temperature

Since the beginning of last year, the food and oil stores in the neighborhood and the small shops outside have been selling an old-fashioned bread, and one day my son said he wanted to taste it, so he bought one for the next morning, and then he passed by, and my son wanted to buy it again, and I wondered, I always make bread at home, why do I always want to go out and buy bread?So I'm not discouraged, I'm always at home baking bread, how can I let my son always think about the bread sold abroad?! Find a recipe, tr...


Bread temptation A bite of frogs and a roll of bacon

The dough is cut into small pieces, mixed with the ingredients of the main dough (except butter and salt), stirred at me...


Bacon and cheese rolls and cornflakes

After mixing the medium and the main dough and until the dough is fully expanded, after 30 minutes of standing, divide t...
