Thousand layers of coffee cake

Copied from Vienna!...


The Black Forest cake

It's been a year since I've been exposed to baking, and I've always felt that the Black Forest is a cake that has to be made in the process of baking, but until today I made it for the first time, the famous Black Forest is very simple to make, and you don't even need to send an egg to do it, so if you're new to baking, don't worry, you can make a beautiful cake too.If you cut the cake embryo into three pieces, the cake will be more beautiful when it is cut, so don't be lazy, it will make a more beautiful cake. ...


Peanut butter cake

In addition to the nutritional value of soybeans, soybeans are also high in various vitamins and minerals.Not only do adults eat a lot of benefits, but its unique nutrition is more able to meet the growth and development requirements of children, rich in egg phosphate is one of the nutrients necessary for the development of the child's brain, it is a good intellectual food.It is also rich in dietary fiber and can prevent and relieve constipation in children.Maize requires iron for growth and also stores iron, not o...


Mango microwave cake

Egg whites and yolks separated
Add a few drops of lemon juice or white vinegar to the cream, and I use lemon juice.<...


Yoghurt cake

Separate the egg yolks, add 45 grams of oil and stir evenly.
Add 200 ml of yogurt and stir evenly.
Sift through ...


Yoghurt cake

With the arrival of summer, we can't avoid talking about weight loss, especially those who love to eat and are afraid of long meat, MMs, there's nothing wrong with weight loss desserts, you can dare to try this fat-free low-fat yogurt cake.It tastes a little wet compared to the thick version, it's not as thick, it's more like a sponge-like light cheese, and it's cheap, so it's very, very recommended....


Yoghurt cake

Did you find it? It's oil-free, it's easy to eat, it's smooth and light, and it's a really good afternoon tea with lemon tea. ...


Yoghurt mousse

I tried a little bit of muse, but who can tell me what to do with the mirror?!? Why did my mirror become the second layer!!!!??...


Milk bread

I recently bought two books from the Blue Belt Academy.The photo shoot is very beautiful, naturally I don't want to do all the bread and dessert in the book again, but the technology is limited, I have to accumulate experience a little bit slowly, starting from the most basic.I like soft bread, and French bread is mostly hard, so I chose this small bread with milk, for beginners.I did one last night, and it was three o'clock in the morning, and I didn't feel satisfied, and I got up in the morning and decided to do ...


Bread maker version of the ultra-soft toast

Preparation of materials, preparation of milk, salt, sugar, high flour
Put this in the bread bowl, put the liquid in...


Honey bean bread

I've rarely baked bread in the oven lately, I'm lazy, I just have to use a baking machine.Ha, even lazy people can eat soft toast....The trick is to rub the dough once before starting the process of baking the bread. ...


Whole wheat bread without oil

It's a relatively healthy bread, with no oil and no sugar, whole wheat and rice.Because I have elderly people in my family, I basically use molybdenum....
