Cream and paper cupcakes

Select 12 connected cake plates.
Keep the paper cups in reserve.
Preparation of materials
Milk and oil can b...


Cream flowers on a cupcake

Wouldn't it look more appetizing to have a paper cup cake with beautiful cream flowers? Choose a favorite cream flower at will and you'll be the designer of the paper cup cake. Use your imagination to make it yourself!...


Cups of cream cake

I'm also a novice.This is the first time I've made a cupcake, I've done it before! I love to take pictures, I'll definitely record the first time. ...


Three goats open a cupcake

Egg yolk and protein separated!
Put the white sugar in the mixture evenly!
Put it in the cooking oil and stir ev...


Paper cupcakes and flowers

Preparing the food
Add 50 grams of prepared white sugar to the eggs in a waterless, oil-free bowl
The eggs are p...


Thousand layers of durian cake

My family is very fond of durian, and if you buy more in the summer, you can't finish it, you can make thousands of layers, it's better to eat it frozen....


The heart of a cupcake is angry

Everyone has a flower in their heart, maybe it's a rose, maybe it's a daisy, maybe it's a little wild flower.... use a paper cup cake as a base, cream as a decoration, pick out the flower in your heart! No matter how ugly it is, it's unique, as long as it has stubborn vitality, it will surely bloom its own glory!...


Cream paper cup cake

(This is my first recipe on the way to baking) Obsessed with the fragrant cream, the smell of the cake, stepping into baking, I want to learn to love making all kinds of flower cakes to satisfy my vision and taste!...


Strawberry mousse cake

My son looks at chocolate every day, and he especially likes it, so I was thinking about making a cake in the style of chocolate for his second birthday, but I didn't really like the idea of direct cream flowers, so I suddenly thought of making a reverse-shaped cake out of chocolate, and on his birthday, the baby was happy to dance!...


Cocoa sponge cake

Cocoa cake originally prepared for dividing eggs, because egg yolk was added to the egg yolk, it had to be made into a sponge cake, using a medium-sized stainless steel plate as a mold. ...


Cake from a wooden cup

The wood burner cup cake is a quick cake that has been hot for some time, but I haven't made it, the wood burner cup is the most suitable, with the light cream of the tower, the flavor is strong, the silk silk after refrigeration, as an afternoon tea or party dessert, both quick and good to eat. ...


Shuffle cheese cake

Shuffle is often used as a metaphor for a woman who is difficult to deal with, because in less than a minute after baking, it collapses quickly, but when cheese is added to the shuffle, it is not so delicate, it can be stored in the refrigerator and then tasted slowly, the light taste is delicate and dense, the sweet has the sour taste of cheese, each bite wants to enjoy the melting in the mouth.If someone accuses you of eating too slowly, don't pay attention to him, only those who have carefully tasted the cheesec...
