Snail bread

I made a snail cookie that day, and I thought it was fun, and I had an unprecedented interest in the shape of this little snail, and no, I thought about snails when I was making breakfast on the weekends, and I tried to make snail-shaped bread, and wow, it's amazing!...


Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat foods are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body as well as beneficial components such as coarse fiber, and eating breakfast is a timely supplement to the needs of the human body in all aspects of nutrients, which is very beneficial to health.And the thick fibers that it contains are not absorbed by the human body, and these thick fibers not only increase the feeling of fullness, but also promote defecation, which is very suitable for you during weight loss....


Milanese Christmas - Panettone bread

Panettone originated in Milan, Italy, with a rich aroma and ingredients that convey the ancient romantic feelings of the Italians, it is a Christmas cake, perhaps the same in every country, by the end of the year, everyone will like this pancake heart, it gives a rich and full feeling of happiness, because the recipe contains a lot of sugar powder and fat, so it is a bread with a long shelf life, it is said that traditional Italians have the habit of keeping it at winter temperature for 2 weeks, it is said that put...


Christmas wreaths

In order to make it easier to preserve, the water content is relatively low and the quality is hard, but the food is not eaten, so the recipe has been adjusted to make a soft-tasting flower ring bread.You can eat it, you can decorate it, you can give it to someone, you can't praise it, you can't praise it....


Bakery version of coconut bread

Preparation materials: bread, pre-mixed flour, coconut flour, eggs, butter, clean water
The inside of the baker's do...


Cranberry cheese bread

Cheese filling: Cream cheese softened with sugar powder, stirred evenly.
The cranberry bubble is soft.
In additi...


Middle bread

I don't have a toast mold, so I'm happy to replace my son's toast. I'm adding homemade jam. Here's a cup of milk toast....


Onion bacon and bread rolls

Bacon, salad, and onions, together, make a super delicious salty bread. ...


Mexican pork chops

Some kids like to pack their own bags, and they especially like meatballs.At three o'clock in the afternoon, the preparation began, the dough was kneaded, the dough was kneaded, the dough was kneaded, the dough was kneaded, the dough was kneaded, the dough was kneaded, the dough was kneaded.Maybe it's as simple as that, just do it, that's happiness!...


Chocolate coconut bread rolls

Except for yeast and coconut, almond flakes.
Put all the materials in the bucket.
Put the yeast in the black buc...


Red date bread

The bread reminds me of my own little braids when I was a kid.For the first time after baking, the bread was braided, and after baking, the result was very satisfactory, and every bite of the bread with red dates was a surprise that could not be stopped!...


Hot dogs with onions

42 liters of oven, one plate of 24 eggs. ...
