Carrot meal packages

A small piece of carrot and a small piece of mountain beans to peel into silk;
Cover and cook in the microwave;


German dark beer raisin bread

First, put the raisins in the bowl, and then pour the black beer on top, and I'll use about a tablespoon.
The other ...


Healthy cornmeal breakfast packages

Everyone says that having a child is stupid for three years, and I've had a child for almost eight years, why am I still stupid? One evening I was going to make some bread for breakfast, and I remember that I had bought a bag of whole wheat flour a while ago, and everything was ready, and then I waited for the whole wheat flour, and I looked through all the cupboards of food, and I didn't see any trace of the whole wheat flour, and then I remembered that I had found the flour in the cupboard.If you don't do it now ...


Cheese bread

Put all the ingredients except the butter in the cookware, turn on the cookware's first stirring, and then it will autom...


Hot dog bags with onions

The roasted onions are particularly fragrant, to my daughter's taste....


Onion bread cake

This onion bread cake is simple to make, there is no need to make up, the smell of onions comes when baking, although it looks like the appearance of the cake, but the taste is the same as the bread, plus the mixed smell of onions and sesame, I recommend that everyone who is interested must try it, you will never regret it...


Delicious egg rolls

This side is a slight modification of the reference square of the sunny day, for my kind of baking novice it is a relatively high success rate, I recommend you try it oh! and it tastes really good ⁇ ...


Ass bread - PP bread Haitian white bread

First put the milk in the container, then put the powder in it, put the sugar in one corner, add the salt in the other c...


Natural yeast flax seeds

Flaxseed 50 g + 60 g of water, soak overnight for backup.
Natural yeast 100 g (100% water powder ratio) + ordinary f...


The golden hand breaks the bread

Mix all the ingredients except butter in a blender
Bread maker and dough to expansion stage
The dough is left to...


Whole wheat bread rolls

After the rain, the weather was unusually fresh, the cracks between the curtains seemed to be still white, turn around and continue to sleep with a small pillow, don't be in a hurry to get up, the red and red sun hasn't yet shone warmly, give the world a piece of orange and red! Yesterday I was really tired, I walked a hundred and ten kilometers, a winding and winding road!Now it's customary to make it in a small amount of time, because the taste of the bread is more vivid. ...


Selling toast

Ingredients: Dough A: 200 grams of golden high flour, 50 grams of low flour, 160 grams of pure milk, 30 grams of refined...
