Strawberry flower naked cake

A naked cake decorated with strawberries with a beautiful big red flower, a refreshing and appetizing decoration...


The walnut Napoleon

Crush the walnuts and bake in the oven for 3 minutes.
If you don't want to cook it, you can cook it in India.


Strawberry mousse cake

The other day my daughter said she wanted to eat strawberry cake, but at this time, I couldn't find strawberries to buy...It tastes like strawberries....


Cake rolls

It's a thin cake roll with some matcha powder added to add a different flavor, but the matcha doesn't look green, which is a bit of a pity.The strawberry roll in it, which shows up on the slice like the same red eye, combines with the cream and the cake body, giving rise to some fun. ...


hello kitty cake

My friend's daughter's birthday.I'm sure little girls like Hello Kitty when they think about it.That's why it's so concave. ...


Purple mountain rolls

Since I learned to make cake rolls, I don't have to look for any more reasons to make cream cakes.What do you want to eat, whipped cream, cheese, chocolate, coffee, strawberries, mangoes?....Of course there are purple potatoes!...


Protein and fruit cake

Pavlova is a protein cream cake with a wonderful flavor that became popular in New Zealand and Australia in the 1930s, and although both countries argue that they invented this delicious dessert, I think it's the biggest victory to admit that everyone loves this dessert.The name of this cake is derived from the Russian ballet dancer Anne Pavlova, who is said to have been on tour at the time, and the pastry chef created this delicious dessert after seeing the beautiful Pavlova to symbolically praise her beauty and h...


Cup and paper cake

Preparation of materials
Put some olive oil, orange juice, and a piece of white sugar.
Stir them until the white...


Mini-heavy cheese cake

In fact, I rarely eat heavy cheese cake, I always think it's going to be very sweet, this time I tried it with the opportunity to try a new oven, and at the same time I tried the new 4 size mini round shape, very cute ~ but the heavy cheese is still a bit fat, I can only eat half of it, the little guy is strong, he can eat the whole one...Ingredients: (circular form 4*3) cherry sugar liquid: 50 ml water, fine sugar 20 g, cherry wine 15 ml, red cherry juice 50 ml biscuit base: digested biscuits 100 g, butter 50 g ca...


Foam cake

Preparing food and tools
Sifting low-fat flour
Sifting cornstarch
The flour and cornstarch are then mixed to...


Light cheese cake

Press the elliptical mold on the oil paper, draw an elliptical of the same size, cut it down and lay it in the mold.


Carrot cake and cheese

Sugar and water in a carrot milk pot
Cooked to a crisp
Put it in the fridge.
Let the caramel wrap around the...
