Cup and paper cake

This paper cup cake doesn't shrink or collapse after baking, I recommend you try it. ...


Chocolate lava cake

When you cut the cake, the chocolate inside flows out like lava, and it feels great, and it's perfect for beginners. ...


Cream flowers on a cupcake

Wouldn't it look more appetizing to have a paper cup cake with beautiful cream flowers? Choose a favorite cream flower at will and you'll be the designer of the paper cup cake. Use your imagination to make it yourself!...


Thousand layers of durian cake Thousand layers of mango cake

First of all, you need to prepare these materials, and the flat bottom does not stick to the pot.
Mix the eggs and s...


Sponge cake in a rice cooker

This is the first time I've made a sponge cake with a rice cooker, and I made it... ...


Banana cake

Choose a thoroughly cooked banana, put it in a bowl, press it into clay, add egg yolk oil, mix the milk and sugar evenly...


Three goats open a cupcake

Egg yolk and protein separated!
Put the white sugar in the mixture evenly!
Put it in the cooking oil and stir ev...


Banana fried cake

I bought a few bananas the other day and forgot to eat them, but when I was about to eat them, the skin had turned black, and I thought it would be a pity to throw them away, so I made this cake. ...


Grapefruit and sponge cake

The other day I made a sponge cake with an electric rice cooker, my two hungry wolves thought it was very soft and fragrant, and the next day I had to make it again, this time I had to make a grapefruit sponge cake, look at the picture... ...


Paper cupcakes and flowers

Preparing the food
Add 50 grams of prepared white sugar to the eggs in a waterless, oil-free bowl
The eggs are p...


Thousand layers of durian cake

My family is very fond of durian, and if you buy more in the summer, you can't finish it, you can make thousands of layers, it's better to eat it frozen....


The heart of a cupcake is angry

Everyone has a flower in their heart, maybe it's a rose, maybe it's a daisy, maybe it's a little wild flower.... use a paper cup cake as a base, cream as a decoration, pick out the flower in your heart! No matter how ugly it is, it's unique, as long as it has stubborn vitality, it will surely bloom its own glory!...
