Cocoa butter and jelly

A delicious snack made for babies.The soft dough with the apple sauce in it tastes great. ...


Cocoa powder and mini cakes

Mini cakes made for cute babies.The cake mold used is a miniature curry mold, the shape is very beautiful. ...


Dried candy cake

This dish is very popular because of the addition of rum and a lot of dried nuts, and all the red sugar, the taste is rich, thick and warm, the aroma is abundant when baked, it is very popular as a breakfast and afternoon tea, or baking a delivery is very good, the taste is better after cooling.The square is from Teacher Nakayama's Chihuahua cake (the material below is a 19 cm hollow mold, I used half the size of the 6 inch mold a little shorter, I feel that the 6 inch can be made in 3/4 size) ...


"Coffee cream chocolate cake"

Separate the protein and the egg yolk, add 20 grams of fine sugar to the egg yolk, stir until the sugar melts.
The o...


Coconut cake

The classic coconut cake is the coconut cake I mentioned in my previous recipe, the ingredients are almost the same, after putting the refrigerator through the ice, the cocoa powder sprinkled on top absorbs the moisture of the cake, the color becomes very deep, plus the color of the black chocolate cookie, it looks like something retro, it's Valentine's Day on the 14th, I should also give this cake to the person who likes it!...


The Black Forest cake

Prepare a 6-inch bottom mould, coat it with butter, and apply oil paper on top.
Low powder and cocoa powder are scre...


Naked strawberry cake

To love you is to hope that in the future life, I can eat many, many meals with you.I want to tell you that I love you, but I still haven't said it, I want to make desserts that are beautiful, these handmade foods for you are the most beautiful love letters. ...


Coffee tree-shaped cake rolls

Isn't cutting the cake into long strips and then rolling it horizontally like cutting it after cutting down trees? This coffee-flavored cake, wrapped in milk fragrance with a subtle coffee scent, loves the way coffee is eaten, the taste is long, the cells in the taste buds are mobilized. ...


Cream and cream cake

I've been playing with sugar, and lately I've been very interested in cream, and I've seen a lot of video tutorials, and I've been afraid of wasting material."This is the first cream cake I've ever made, and it's got a lot of flaws, and I wanted to make it for Valentine's Day, but I didn't have time to organize the pictures, so I made it for New Year's Eve."When I made the cake, I forgot to move it from the flower stand to the cake tray, so I had to take a picture on the flower stand. ...


Thousand layers of durian cake

A thousand layers of durian cake, a gift to a friend, using a whole durian, calculated to cost about 180 yuan, what a luxurious cake. ...


Green beans and yogurt

Green bean soup to quench thirst, the soup can be drunk directly, but what to do with the remaining green beans, just use it to make a cake. ...


Cakes and pastries

I made this cake out of barley flour, and I used three eggs, and I laid it thinly on the grill, like a piece of soft biscuit, and it was delicious, and the kids loved it. ...
