A small meal of cranberries

Do chefs have this occupational disease? For a certain period of time, they have a special preference for a certain shape.The olive has been pressed by the chef's hands for a long time.This cranberry snack package is a train meal prepared especially for my husband's trip to the South. ...


Potato-filled toast

With the new baking machine, we're going to try a new feature, we're going to use the cloud menu of the baking machine to make a red bean-filled bread, we're going to use the cloud menu to set up our own bread program, we're going to make bread that we want to eat, we're going to make bread that we want to eat. ...


Packaged meatballs

The breakfast of the holidays made meatloaf bread, plenty of ingredients, lots of meatloaf, smeared with black pepper salad sauce, it tastes very good!...


Fast beer bread

This is not the intended beer bread.After deciding to use beer for bread, I accidentally looked up the combination of beer and bread and discovered that it's not the same.The ingredients are simple, and the operation is quick.Without the long wait for yeast fermentation, mix the dough and put it in the oven immediately.It's kind of like a muffin, it's kind of like an oven version of a cake, and it's kind of like a cake....He is a member of the Chinese Communist Party.It's just the shape of a toast.Curiosity arose, ...


Corn on the cob breakfast pack

Everyone says that having a child is stupid for three years, and I've had a child for almost eight years, why am I still stupid? One evening I was going to make some bread for breakfast, and I remember that I had bought a bag of whole wheat flour a while ago, and everything was ready, and then I waited for the whole wheat flour, and I looked through all the cupboards of food, and I didn't see any trace of the whole wheat flour, and then I remembered that the last time I was cleaning the cupboard, I found that the f...


Cinnamon rolls

I love the smell of cinnamon powder, and I can't tell you why, but I love its special smell.The bread made with cinnamon powder is also my favorite, today I made this cinnamon roll with cinnamon powder with cinnamon meat, my children don't like the taste of cinnamon powder, so I ate most of it.There's a lot of cinnamon rolls in it, and you can eat the whole piece of fruit, and the cinnamon powder and cinnamon rolls taste very good, and I love it. ...


Sesame and cinnamon rolls

Although I don't know much about the medicinal value of cinnamon, I usually use it in cooking, but today I'm going to take a closer look at the role of cinnamon: cinnamon is a Chinese medicine, has a high medicinal value, and has been widely used for years to treat and alleviate many diseases.It is the dried bark of a cinnamon plant of the family Fabaceae, common in southern China.Due to its high medicinal value, it was later included in the Chinese Medicine Code and used by generations of practitioners.Cinnamon ha...


The pineapple bag

Pineapple bags have always been my favorite, I like the pineapple peel, the softness of the bread, although there is no filling in the bags, (oh, I used to think pineapple bags were wrapped in pineapple)....


Old-fashioned bread

In the last few years, I've been able to make my own bread online, and I've been looking for bread recipes and utensils every day, and I can't wait to buy an oven and all the utensils, and talk to other people about how to make bread, and I've started the process of making bread, and the bread is baked, and I'm very moved, and I've never seen anything like this before....


Sesame seed bread

Place the material in the wrapping machine, select the facing function
Fermentation to twice the size, excluding gas...


Corn ham salad pack

I've had a lot of sweet bread, and I've changed my tastes from time to time....


Cream of the crop

The first two days I made a ghee cake and I thought it was very good to eat, I made ghee bread using this method, it's really very good, if you eat it alone, the taste is inevitably too monotonous, the first ghee is really different in taste, oh, if your heart moves, hurry up and act together, let the oven at home move, happiness is so simple!...
