The cherry cake.

Cherries are good to eat alone, and they're better for making pastries.I add cherry flesh to the cake, and after high-heat baking, the cherries blend well with the cake, and each bite is special. ...


Chocolate sponge cake

This weekend, two consecutive breakfasts are chocolate sponge cakes! It's just that the shape is different, yesterday it was made with cream mango beans; today it's made with cream squeezed on top, decorated with the children's favorite cherries; with a cup of milk and a plate of fresh cherries, the children eat it....


Chocolate cake with flavor

Sweet chocolate cake, thick chocolate flavor, thick thoughts.Vernon was away on business for a week when he made this cake......


The original pumpkin pie

I bought a whole pumpkin.It's been a long time since I've understood that those golden-yellow squashes look like old squashes, why don't they taste like the powdered flour I used to eat?How to buy pumpkins with powdered flour? Gradually getting used to pumpkins with a lot of water, this question is also sinking into the consciousness of many people.Until I found it in a pile of pumpkins.Maybe in the eyes of others, it's no different from other pumpkins, big and small.However, it does have a little bit of a differen...


The little angel cake

As a hard-working housewife, I make a lot of baking ingredients, no matter what I do, I try to consume them, it's a waste of money that we can't dry! What can I do with two proteins left to make ice cream? ...


Blueberry light cheese cake

Preparation of materials
Blueberry powder is used as a backup.
15 grams of cornstarch and 25 grams of milk are m...


Chocolate printed cake

Summer is an ice stick, lick it to cool your sweet mouth.When I was a kid, in the summer, there was always an old man selling ice cubes at the entrance of the elementary school.When he got home from school, he shouted in a hoarse voice: "Ice sticks, a penny each"... We, the group of children, were drawn to him and gathered around him.A child took a penny out of his pocket and handed it to him, and he took an ice cube from the white foam box in front of him and immediately covered the lid.I searched my pocket and fo...


The mini brownie cake

First, cut the walnuts slightly for backup.
(Do not cook)
Butter and dark chocolate are placed in a bowl, melted...


Original flavored cake

It's the one I eat the most, and it's the one I like the most.Now that the new flour has been changed, the cake feels lighter than before. ...


Authentic crispy cakes

Put the 40 eggs in a mixing bowl, and then add the white sugar and the baking soda powder to the bowl.
It is mixed a...


The brownie cake.

A brownie is a dessert that originated in the United States in the 19th century, with a texture between cake and biscuit, and a thick, firm flavor.The charm of the brownie is also that it has a lot of dark chocolate and a lot of alcohol.In the United States, brownies are a regular guest at the average family dinner table, and people love them.There are three versions of Browne's birth.In one version, a cook accidentally spilled melted chocolate on a batch of cookies, which eventually turned into the current brownie...


It's like a brass band.

Hey! It's not expensive, but it tastes OK....
