Honey beans and tea cups

This little cake is made in my family all the time, because my son loves the taste of matcha honeybees, and some of his classmates love the taste, so today I baked some and gave them to my classmates, and they opened flowers!...


Coal fired

When I was a kid, I used to watch cartoons like Cat and Mouse and Dora A Dream, and I always thought that Daisuke and I were so lazy, so in love.The impression is that they always have afternoon tea, and every time they see a bean bag, Dora A-Moon and Daisuke will break their heads.At that time, I thought it was just a cartoon, it wasn't real, but now I've finally tasted it, it's soft, it's sweet, it's sweet, it's brass, it's golden yellow, it's very attractive!The children in the mountains, like me, are not rich, ...


Blueberry and cheese cake

I highly recommend this blueberry cheesecake, it's very, very delicious, sweet and not fattening.And, looking at a high-end, high-end cake, there's hardly anything difficult about it, it's basically a zero-failure cake, it's suitable for beginners, it's focused on eating well, and it's nutritious. ...


Cheesecake with curry

I've been cutting grass for over a year, and now I'm coming to peel the grass, this speed is really the entrance, your introduction says: don't look at me cutting unevenly, it's really not easy to cut!...


Madeleine, please.

"The first time I saw this cake was in a TV series called Kim San-sung, and I was immediately attracted by its shape, and I've always wanted to make this cake."A few years later, I bought this mold, and I finally started my first madeleine, which is a little too dark, but it tastes great!...


Cake rolls

Remember the first time you made a cake roll, you couldn't get it to crack, that was the biggest problem, and then you used this square, and it didn't crack, and it had a soft feel, and it was worth a try....


The Mango Moose

Baking a cake, specifically described in the previous blog post.
Two slices of gelatin with a soft bubble.
The m...


Banana cake with coconut

In the midst of a busy life, more and more people are using healthy foods or supplements to supplement their unbalanced diets.And bananas contain almost all the vitamins and minerals, so it's easy to get a wide variety of nutrients from bananas.Bananas contain a considerable amount of potassium and magnesium.Potassium prevents high blood pressure and muscle spasms, while magnesium has a fatigue-relieving effect.Since bananas are well absorbed by the digestive system, they can be safely consumed by children and the ...


Blueberry mousse cake

It's been a long time since I've had cake on my birthday.After I learned how to make a cake, a cake that we used to eat, but I didn't dare to eat it, then I learned, and I wanted to make a mousse.In fact, I did it once for my son's birthday, but it wasn't that successful, so it hit me again.For my birthday, I was thinking about trying it out, and I went to the supermarket and bought cheap blueberries and delicious yogurt, so I was going to make a blueberry mousse cake."This time the mousse is very good, the cake is...


French macaroni

Macarons, also known as macaroons, are an Italian dessert made from protein, almond flour, white sugar, and sugar cream, usually stuffed with jam or cream between two biscuits, with a crispy outside and a soft inside.Macalone has an interesting nickname, Maid of Honor, and I'd rather call it Macalone Princess, because it's not easy for a baking enthusiast to conquer it.Many tomatoes are reflected, macaroni is very good to look at, they have tried to do it very early, but never succeeded, finally gave up... a little...


The Little Pink Princess

It's been a long time since I've had a flower, it's my little friend's birthday, and I'm starting to do it again.Small, not tall, Barbie, a six-inch cake will do the trick.There's too much thinking about dolls, making a star-studded dress.Pink, it is said that little girls like pink.The last little princess didn't know what time it was, but she had some impression of what was wrong.Once again, cut the long skirt as finely as possible, so that the curve of the skirt looks more natural.This curve looks like it's goin...


The Black Forest cheesecake

Most people are probably familiar with cheesecake (also known as cheesecake).In fact, cheesecake is also called cheesecake.Take a bite and taste the rich chocolate cheese.It's a combination of delicious and classic. ...
