Cute cartoon cookies, enjoying time with your children

If you don't know what to do with your children, make cookies with them, it's safe and fun!...


Sweet potatoes

Chopped honey.
Use kitchen paper to absorb excess moisture.
Chopped almonds
Low flour with almond powder, wh...


The cranberry cookie

You don't need a lot of butter to make a delicious, crisp cranberry cookie. ...


Sweet red oatmeal cake

I wanted to lose weight, but I couldn't help but want to eat biscuits, so I thought about adding wheat flour to the biscuits, both to relieve hunger, and not to worry that eating too much would make me fat....


Chocolate peanut butter cookies - no foam powder

It's finally sunny, and all of a sudden I want to make a sweet, sweet, crispy cookie, so I've created this recipe that I'm going to make myself, using buckwheat flour and buckwheat skin to make it a little bit darker...But it's good to eat more coarse grains, and you can also use 50 grams of whole wheat flour to replace the wheat flour and wheat flour that I use, and the chocolate biscuits are richer in flavor, and they also add calories....


Greek coconut

The butter is softened and the sugar is added, then the salt is added and the mixture is continued, the egg juice is add...


Walnut and oatmeal cookies

During the holidays, there is a time when the family gathers to watch TV and talk about family life, at this time, it is inevitable that some snacks are needed, do it yourself, simple, low sugar, nutritious, delicious, and most importantly safe and reassuring.Oatmeal can effectively reduce cholesterol in the human body, has a very good effect on sugar reduction, weight loss, it can also improve blood circulation, relieve the stress of life's work; it contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc, wh...


Sesame thin and crispy

This thin piece comes from a poetic square, and I've made a few changes myself.It tastes good, it's really good.It's the first time I've done it, so I used half of it.In the process of making it, I forgot to put the tin paper, so I waited for the crust to cool and then took it off the grill, hoping that my friends wouldn't learn from me. ...


The cat's whiskers

I've baked a lot of biscuits, and this one tastes great! I've added cream cheese, it's very crunchy! It's very cute to sell, has it come to you? I've made three flavors, raw, mashed tea, the same amount of cocoa powder or mashed tea powder can be used to replace the same amount of flour, if one flavor uses 40 grams of flour, make mashed tea with 30 grams of flour, 10 grams of mashed tea powder to cool and eat again, crunchy cocoa!...


Strawberry biscuits

You must be wondering why there are strawberries.Strawberries are no longer the fruit of the season, and I still have two bottles of strawberry jam, my two favorite strawberry-flavored things.As long as you don't hate strawberries, the last two days have been for them.There are three busy days in a week, the children's interest classes plus the market to buy food in the morning are gone.In the afternoon, I watched chess with them, slept for a while, and the day passed, and the little girl had to take dance lessons ...


The biscuit.

I feel like lately I've been particularly interested in playing with things, but who can tell us that our childhood is not sleeping? The heart of love for play is always unrecoverable.Let's share the baking time together....


Gingerbread and cookies

I haven't made cookies for so long, the reason is very simple, I haven't bought a cookie mold, recently I wanted to go to see the retired sister of the unit, she saw all the baking I did, she liked it very much, I wanted to make all sorts of things for her to taste, this sister bought the oven for more than 3 years, but she didn't do it, oh, it's really strange, I want to make her move, haha! I made the first pot, my son ate it and ran over and said, it's better than the good dad bought outside, that's the motivati...
