Meatloaf cheese bread made to clean meatloaf

Because the consumption of meat loaf is too small at home, in order to clean up the inventory, choose meat loaf cheese bread to practice. ...


Tofu bread

Put it in the bread maker.
Divide into about 50 g of dough, roll loose for 10 minutes, wrap in soy sauce, and collec...


Mushroom bread

Mushroom bags are one of the products of a bakery on the same road as Haikou.Every day the sale starts at five o'clock in the afternoon, there's only one small window, it's sold out in about an hour, and you have to wait in line every time you go.This small, soft, spicy bread with fresh mushrooms, perhaps because the stomach is hungry after work, so eat it to comfort the hungry people.So it's going to be popular. ...


Japanese dairy bread

The raw milk is 35 g, the butter is 20 g + 20 g, I brush a lot on the bread and I still can't finish it; if I brush too much on the long slice of bread, it will squeeze out a lot of sauce like me, if I brush a little less, it will look good, but after fermentation and baking it looks almost the same, everyone weighs it themselves....


Cabbage bread

Many of my friends asked me to write the recipe and the steps, but I didn't know how to write it, so I made 12 loaves of bread, each about 60 grams. ...


Soft cranberry wrap

I bought a bag of dried cranberries and it didn't work, I can't wait to see how long it expires, hurry up, it's good, I like this sour, sour, sweet taste, I can't stop ha! This is an improved version of the bag, low sugar, low oil, healthier, soft inside and outside Q has a strong chew, plus the fragrance of sorghum powder, the taste is great, who eats who knows. ...


Hide the sweetness in your heart - honey bean flower roll

Red beans, my favorite staple food, sometimes cooked in a pot, mixed with flour, can have seventy-two changes, today turn into a small roll, roll this sweet taste layer by layer in the heart, like this happy life, always sweet in the heart. ...


A combination of bread and cake - romantic volcanic bread

I've been wanting to make this volcanic bread for a long time, a product that can eat different flavors of cake and bread at the same time, it's very exciting in itself, using chocolate bread as a snack, it's more visually eye-catching, very creative!...


Whole wheat walnuts

Square refers to love and freedom, based on its own oven and flour water absorption slightly altered. ...


French milk bread

So mix the ingredients, hand and dough, or put in the bread machine and dough.
The dough must be kneaded by hand unt...


Hot dog rolls

150 grams of high-fiber flour, 80 grams of milk, 20 grams of refined sugar, 20 grams of butter, 20 grams of egg yolk, 1/...


Violet flower bread

In the past, bread was made by: first removing material other than butter, first kneading it into a smooth dough, then putting it in softened butter, until the membrane expands; baking it, naturally, will think of changes, learn more methods; so this time it is used: butter and other materials, put together in a barrel and face, and then knock out the membrane method; everyone feels that as long as they know the dough, master the good method, they can also make a good and soft bread....
