It's your little cake.

Put 100 grams of butter and 100 grams of refined sugar in the mixing bowl and stir quickly (milk white)
Add 100 g of...


Healthy pumpkin toast

This pumpkin toast is often made for the family, mainly because the children usually don't want to eat pumpkins.For children who are picky eaters, I always find ways to add all kinds of ingredients to their food that they don't normally want to eat, and this time I put pumpkins in toast that they can accept.Pumpkins are natural pigments and moisturizers, and the toast made is not only beautifully colored and appetizing, but can also make the toast more delicate and soft.Low-sugar, low-fat is suitable for the elderl...


Mexican bread

The material other than butter is placed in the packaging machine and stirred into a clump, adding butter and continuing...


Baked bread

In fact, this is the third bread I've made with this bread maker, the first two times I made the yarn was great, the top was too high, so the top was colorless, and it was a little bit narrower, and I listened to a few friends' opinions, and finally I summarized the reason for the waist shrinkage: the first time it was because there was too much yeast, and I used a little homemade mixer, and I also saw that the yeast was poured in, and the result was too good, so the top touched the lid, and the hair was a little b...


Breakfast is served with a small loaf of bread

The ingredients in the recipe make a total of 20 small loaves of bread, and it feels like this loaf of bread is perfect for breakfast, each loaf has a small loaf of bread, and it tastes soft and sticky and has a fleshy aroma, which is perfect for breakfast. ...
