Cranberry toast

The water is poured into the egg yolk and the corn oil is poured into the bag.
Add the powdered milk powder, sugar a...


Cheese pudding

Cheese cheese pudding (small milk bottles 3 and 4) from:...


Red date cake

Butter can also be substituted for vegetable oil (this recipe is based on the king's recipe, and I think my classmates who are afraid of sweets can reduce the amount of red sugar!)...


Sugar-free black tea cookies

Cut small grains of butter into low powder and bubble powder through a sieve, without melting, and knead them by hand in...


The corn muffin cake

My husband doesn't like sweets, so he reduces the sugar again and again. ...


Cream and fruit cake

It's your relatives' birthday, make a cake and talk about your feelings.There's no flower bed, there's no cream, you just have to squeeze a circle around it to cover it. ...


This is the first time I've seen it.

Zebra leaves are especially popular in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand and Malaysia, where people not only like to wrap food with zebra leaves, but also like to cook food with zebra leaf juice.The cake we are more familiar with is a combination of these two uses, and the resulting cake is green and green, which is particularly beautiful.This time I went to Thailand, and I saw a lot of banana leaves, they were sold in the supermarket, and the rabbit wanted to bring some back, but he couldn't.Before this visit...


Cake of the wind

Chiffon cake is a transliteration of the English word ChiffonCake, Chiffon means snow spinning, as the name suggests, Chiffon cake has a delicate flavor, like snow spinning.It is one of the most popular cakes in the world.Although it is very soft, it has an elastic and non-smooth feel, and it is delicious to eat with a variety of sauces. ...


Cream of butter

Butter, sugar, salt, milk, and water are mixed together in a kneading pan and placed on an electromagnetic stove over me...


Sweet pillow toast

I don't like eggs very much, and I don't like white toast very much, but I like cotton-like soft, milky, thick, sweet toast.So the most baked bread, not Hokkaido, is this dream pillow.Look, it's like a big, sweet pillow!...


Medium-sized milk wheat

The main ingredients are milk, cream, 8 g of sugar, egg yolk, flour, yeast mixed into a medium dough, fermented at room ...


Colorful carols

The syrup is first heated with a small fire to prevent the sugar from melting completely and crystallizing, you can gent...
