Tomatoes and biscuits

I love tomato-flavored vegetable garden cookies, and I love tomato-flavored potato chips, so I'm going to make my own tomato-flavored cookies with a little bit of spice and a little bit of flavor!...


Sugar-free cookies

I've been wanting to make a sugar-free cookie for the elderly, I've failed a lot, but today's success is to share it with everyone! The reason for choosing black tea, one is personal preference, the other is to add a different flavor to the dried cookies!...


Onion biscuits

The dry yeast is diluted with warm water, poured into the powder, added peanut oil, stirred well with a chopstick, then ...


The Gingerbread House

It is said that at the time of the Crusades, ginger was an expensive imported spice, so it was only used on important holidays such as Christmas and Easter.Ginger is added to cake biscuits to add flavor and has a cooling effect.Over time, gingerbread became a snack associated with Christmas, with godfathers and godmothers sending gingerbread in various shapes to children on this day, or sneaking it into the children's anticipated socks.There is also a legend in the UK that unmarried women who eat gingerbread will m...


Self-discipline is more fun.

Weigh all the ingredients and soften the butter.
Pour red sugar and refined sugar into a container, mix, stir evenly...


Sesame and soda biscuits

My dad is diabetic, he can't eat sugary foods, this cookie is crispy, delicious, sugar-free, low in oil, very suitable for diabetics, it's very tasty, he doesn't like sweets, it's very suitable to eat, it tastes good....


Onion and soda biscuits

Mix all the ingredients of the water and oil skins with the onion flowers, knead them a few times, knead them until the ...


Honey and orange peel handmade pancakes

Put the cream and sugar powdered salt together in a mixing bowl and stir until thin with a handheld mixer
Add the eg...


Grapefruit cakes

A pure English afternoon tea, accompanied by a cake.On the second floor, if there's a picture of a cake, that's authentic English afternoon tea....


Fruit and berry cookies

The fermentation function of E3 is used to soften butter;
The softened butter turns white and has a fluffy plumage;<...


Green tea cake

I just bought it, I'm going to try it, I'm going to give it to my friends....


Coconut shell

Look at the ingredients and you'll know it's really coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut, coconut....
