Chocolate cake with strawberry cream

Strawberry seasonEvery year, from the end of the year to the spring of the following year, this pleasant and lovely little red elf always brings a bright color to our table... strawberry cream chocolate cake, oh, oh, it's basically a gorgeous coat that discards strawberries....


Thousand layers of curry cake

Mille crêpe is a French dessert.Juju has also uploaded the recipe for curry cake, so today's task is to make a thousand layers of curry cake stacked together, not only the ingredients and the recipe are simple, but the curry cake has a strong taste combined with aromatic chocolate sauce....


It's called lemonade.

Those of you who love to watch Korean movies and actually eat, you must remember which Korean movie this cute little heart appeared in?! Yes, it's Kim Jong-un, hey hey... I've always been a little uncomfortable with this little heart, how to say, maybe it feels normal, it doesn't arouse my interest, plus the baby in the house doesn't like to eat cake, so I haven't done it yet.Why should I call a small cake a belly fat? Everyone knows that after baking, Madeleine has a small belly drum high, and it's still a smiling...


Pear pudding cake

Flognarde is a famous dessert in the Limousine region of France, mainly a pudding-flavored cake made with pears and egg yolk, other common ones are also cloves made with cherries.Nyudo's mouthfeel is as delicate and smooth as a pudding, and the baked pears take the aroma of the entire cake to a higher level.To be honest, because the process is very simple, the first time JuJu made this cake, the expectations for him were not so high, as a result, after trying it, he was instantly conquered by its deliciousness, it ...


Mango mousse cake

Moose cake does not require flowers, it is relatively easy to make, suitable for friends who are just starting to make cakes.The size of this cake is 6 inches round. ...


What is the meaning of the name?

Materials: low powder 120 grams and 45 grams
70 grams of milk, 50 grams of white sugar, 50 grams of butter, 50 grams...


Light cheese cake

"Many of my friends around me, despite waiting in line for more than an hour, had to taste it, and one day a student handed a piece of Uncle Cher's cake to the little wolf, and it tasted really good, but the cheese didn't taste good, after all, it was light cheese."Afterwards, Little Wolf searched the Internet for recipes for various cheese cakes, including heavy cheese, light cheese, and today we bring you a 6-inch light cheese cake, a bite of fine details, a moist, soft touch, an entrance feeling accompanied by t...


Shuffle cheese cake

"Looking back on 2013, I've never been busier at work, and it's brought me a lot of stress, and it's taken up a lot of my energy."There's less and less time for cooking, and less and less time for keeping a food blog.This weekend, I packed up my mood, I packed up my thoughts, and I made some delicious cakes, and Shuffle Cheese Cake is one of them, and I think it's one of the most delicious cakes.Sharing it with good friends, and when they taste the sweetness, it makes me feel so warm.Hopefully my 2014 will have mor...


Cake cups made of wood

I don't know if there are people like me who occasionally crave a cold drink in the cold winter.Even if it's snowing outside the window, hiding in a warm room, eating a box of ice cream or a wooden cake just taken out of the fridge, it's a strange pleasure.No, this weekend, I made a couple of wooden cupcakes, and it's really special to eat these cupcakes this season."The unique taste of this simple dessert, known as the two wonders of Portuguese food culture, is fascinating to many people."Although the ingredients ...


Cabbage and jelly cake

I've always hated this cake too much and didn't bother to make it.While some people's attention is turned to the cake, the next one is eager to make this cake full of oil and see if it is pleasant.I started with two, expecting to taste one.I didn't expect to find a good sample on the table, but soon there were only traces of it.And the rest of the cake was asked to be finished as much as possible, and if he didn't get a bite, he ate the leftovers from the edges of the cake.But what's left of this corner is to grab ...


The Tiramisu Cup

Valentine's Day is coming soon, so let's start with a dessert that symbolizes love - tiramisu, only for the most beloved.Whether you are single or in love, I wish you happiness in life.Speaking of tiramisu, there's a beautiful love story behind this dessert.There are many versions circulating online, but the more warm version is that an Italian soldier is about to go to war, but there is nothing left at home, he loves his wife in order to prepare dry food for him, he makes all the biscuits and bread he can eat at h...


Multi-layered chocolate cake

The steps to make this cake are simple, really simple! It is also named because it is made mainly with ripple biscuits."If you don't have time to prepare a delicious dessert, try this super simple and delicious biscuit cake! When you cut it in front of your friends, they will be amazed by the layer by layer of hierarchy! When you enter, they will praise your excellent craftsmanship!"It's like coffee, it's like barley, it's like... it's one of the pleasures of baking....
