Onion salad and meatballs

I've tried it once before, but I didn't succeed, I've never been disappointed; this time I tried it again for the chubby salad sauce, first I looked at other people's successful experiences... to think that it wasn't there at the time, it was just too hasty, the bread temperature hadn't completely dropped and I rolled it, until, alas... this time I was patient and finally rolled it successfully!...


Coffee and paper cupcakes

Separating the egg yolk from the egg yolk
Add 30 g of fine sugar to the egg yolk three times and spread until soft a...


Old fashioned cake

Prepare all the materials.
Add the eggs to the sugar, put a bowl of hot water on the plate, and send it out at high ...


Coal fired

A lot of people say that it's easy to burn copper, but here's what I've done a few times, and I hope it helps you. ...


Cake and noodles

In fact, I'm a mahjong player who seems to be immune to mahjong.But if such a cake is given to me, I will still love it, it is a good choice to give it to family and friends oh! It must be a big surprise, I guarantee they will love it!...


Chocolate cake

Prepare all the materials.
Butter insulation water seat solution.
Mixed cocoa flour and low starch flour.


Original cake rolls

It's the first time I've found it, it's the second time I've tried it, it's lacking a lot in every way, it's not very ideal, but it must be shared, because it's very delicious, it's very worth trying! The first time, it's made with light cream, this time it's made with cassava sauce, you can make it yourself according to the original recipe, apply the jam, put whatever fruit you like, it's okay, it's just as delicious!When I started to learn how to bake, I tried all sorts of things with fresh energy, for the first ...


Three and eight flower cakes

In the afternoon, when I went downstairs to pick up the mail, I met a grandmother and her granddaughter coming home from school, and the granddaughter said to the grandmother: Grandma, tomorrow is your holiday, have a happy holiday.I was shocked, oh so fast, tomorrow is March 8th again.Time is like a relentless carving knife, it changes the appearance of so many of us, from childhood to adulthood we are trying to grow, struggle, persevere, hurry in order to achieve the wishes on the path of life, it is too easy to ...


Steamed cake

There's a popular online criterion for being a mother: you can cook, you can go to class, you can make a cake, you can tell a story.I've learned to count, I've learned to speak grammar, I've learned to edit, I've learned to make newspapers.If you know how to play the piano, you can draw.I've searched the attack, I've found the sights.I've packed my bags, I've taken pictures, I've come up with ideas, I've done activities, I've earned my tuition, I've paid for my groceries.The most important thing is to be able to co...


Marble tea honey cake

Resolve the remaining protein.Also made entirely of protein, this tea honey cake has a very different flavor from the angel cake.Compared to the dry and tough angel cake, it looks much wetter and softer when eaten.I think this should be the result of the synergy of milk, honey and oil.A little less sugar, because honey and beans can add sweetness.It's a pity that Teacher Meng didn't hint at the bubble, hesitated a little after the modeling, or skipped the action.Thus, for the holes found after cutting, it can only ...


Light cheese cake

Press the elliptical mold on the oil paper, draw an elliptical of the same size, cut it down and lay it in the mold.


6 inches of coconut cake

The fourth time, except for a slight crack on the surface, the cake didn't shrink or collapse, very successful.The square has a ratio of dry matter: moisture = 5:8, of which one egg is 10 grams of moisture, sugar is arbitrary.Knowing this ratio, you can make your own recipe later....
