Cake for my dog girlfriend's fourth birthday

I have two dogs, a six-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter.They are like pets to me, like family.Three years ago, my dog went blind in his left eye, and then I lost two other puppies.Suddenly, they'll leave me at any moment.In order not to have any regrets, I started doing everything I could to be nice to them.I started baking my own cake this year, and I decided to make my own cake for my four-year-old daughter, who is still like a baby dog. ...


Pumpkin cheese soft cake

Wash the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, and steam for 10 minutes.
Take two pieces of pumpkin paste and crush them sepa...


Sponge cake with zero difficulty

The materials are ready, let's start.
Heat the cooking pot with the eggs and sugar to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit, d...


Healthy dried fruit cake

All the raw materials are prepared as shown, the dried fruit is first soaked in rum, the eggs are placed at normal tempe...


Yoghurt cake

Egg yolk protein isolate
Separated egg yolk + cooking oil, stir evenly.
Pour into the yogurt and stir evenly.


The hot Tokyo banana is a banana cake.

4 egg yolks, 30 grams of sugar added until slightly white
The milk and cream are cooked in a pan and slowly poured i...


Chocolate marshmallow cake

Today's chocolate iceberg cake is made in two parts.
Let's start with the first part, the lava.
Prepare chocolat...


Almond cupcake

Separation of egg yolk and egg yolk
Eggs are mixed with white vinegar, 50 g of sugar powder is added three times, an...


Yoghurt cake

Egg yolks and proteins are placed in two separate bowls.
Egg whites are divided into three parts and added to white ...


Milk and paper cupcakes

Large collection of materials
First, mix the milk and oil with a piece of hand-made egg batter until the oil and mil...


Banana cake

Gather the necessary ingredients, peel the bananas and knead them with a spoon (choose dark-skinned bananas, which have ...


Yoghurt cake

Find some big bowls and wrap them in tin.
Corn flour and yogurt
Find two waterless and oilless bowls to separate...
