Bacon and shrimp pizza

First make the pizza sauce, melt the butter in the pan, add the onion, add the garlic, add the tomato sauce, add the Ita...


Green pepper and ham

Mix all the main ingredients, knead into a smooth, stretchy dough, cover with a preservative film, and ferment at room t...


This is Shinjuku Pizza.

Mix all the main ingredients, knead into a smooth, stretchy dough, cover with a preservative film, and ferment at room t...


Seafood pizza

Since I bought the oven last month, I've been especially eager to make a pizza, so forgive me for my obscure love of pizza.But to be honest, today is the first time I've tried to make this thin, crisp, precious seafood pizza, which, although it doesn't sell as well as it looks on the outside, is made with the care of my own hands, whether it's fermented from the dough, or the preparation of the ingredients and the final baking.The final taste is naturally quite delicious. (To be honest, I'm really tired, I don't ha...


The cranberry ice cream pizza

The cranberry jam in this cranberry ice cream pizza is what's left over from the last cranberry donkey roll, and it's been put to good use. ...


Blueberry muffins and cakes

I don't want to go to the grocery store after school, but I miss the muffins in the bakery, so what do I do?...


Banana cake

I bought a banana for a child to eat! I can't eat it if it's left out for too long.Think of it as a banana cake! It's very simple. ...


Follow your teacher to make a cake - a vanilla cake.

I've tried to make a lot of them myself.But there are always failures.This square has never failed since it was used.It seems that the master's square is useful.The taste of this cake is soft and delicate, and the combination of fresh cream and fruit or jam can add some sweet and sour flavor to the cake, making it a great dessert for a party of good friends!...


Pumpkin spiced almond cocoa cup cake - second-hand Starbucks

After watching it for two seasons, I couldn't help but search for the recipe for a paper cup cake, the recipe of the De Nunn sisters has always been reliable, this pumpkin spice paper cup cake is a limited-edition dessert from Starbucks in the United States, known as the second-to-last Starbucks, after my next change, it's still very yummy....


Bubblegum cake

I've always wanted to make a buffet, but how could we have eaten a giant buffet for three of us?...


Cream paper cup cake

This is a paper cup cake made from someone else's cream cake, and I've made six large paper cups, and I recommend making more with smaller paper cups, so it looks better....


Three colors of toast

My dad's favorite healthy toast, beautiful and delicious!...
