Spicy soda bread

Soda bread is a traditional bread in Ireland, and unlike bread made with yeast, it is made by the action of baking powder and baking powder to achieve an expanding effect, so it does not require a long fermentation process, is quick to make, and is a type of easy bread.Of course, the taste is also very different from traditional bread.Its shell is crunchy, the inside is soft, and it doesn't have much flavor. ...


Red bean bread

This is your mother's recipe for toast, but I don't want to eat toast, so I made bread, haha~)...


Sugar packaging

May every child grow up healthy and happy!...


Grapefruit bread rolls

It turns out that leek bread can do that too.This bread with raisins is interesting in shape.Two small dates together, squeeze the two ends, and then it becomes a loaf of bread.It's just that at the end of the fermentation, the temperature seems to be a little bit higher, the dough seems to be a little bit thicker, the ends are a little bit thicker, it doesn't look good, it reminds you of coffee beans.... ...


Bread with soy sauce

The post-oil method involves all the ingredients except the butter and soy sauce, which is then opened in the wrapping m...


Deep-fried fish bread

It's an honor to receive an Amazon olive oil evaluation campaign.Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, i.e. oleic and sub-oleic acids, as well as vitamins A, B, D, K, and antioxidants, and is considered to be the most suitable oil for human nutrition found to date. ...


French pancakes

I can't help but be shocked at the thought of putting oil and sugar on such a heavy loaf of bread.Will it be too sweet? Will it be too oily? Most importantly, how high is the calorie? However, there is no doubt that the cream mousse bread, which is not very sweet, must be sweeter after such a turnover.It's always been thought that the book only says to dip the bread slices in the syrup a little bit, and a little bit is a little bit of a trick, some of the words are unclear.When you really do it, you know, just a li...


Italian onion wrappers

I've been wanting to make my own bread, so I bought a simple oven online, and after a few trials, I finally got started, and my dad's favorite is this Italian sausage and onion pack I made....


Pumpkin and vegetable bread

The bread book is stuck because of the lack of materials.But the bread didn't stop, the next bread.....In fact, there were a lot of ideas, but suddenly I realized that I had stirred the bread machine many times, but I had never made bread with it.If not, just repeat the bread machine recipe? It's actually just seven bread procedures, one-click, and save money.If you have pumpkins, start with pumpkin bread.There are no pumpkins in the recipe, but the surface of the bread in the picture is full of pumpkins, which is ...


Yoghurt raisin bread

It's a lot of energy.When scrubbing eggs, the height of the dough is not ideal, the highest point seems to be only half a bread barrel.At that time, the process countdown to 33 minutes, no more than 10 minutes at the most should go into baking.Preparing to harvest a loaf of bread that is not very high.However, the final moment of uncoverage was surprising, not only did it exceed the expected height, but it also exploded.The top of the crack contracts from the adjacent sides to the opposite side, exposing the white ...


Red sugar rye bread

What tools do you use to slice bread?Cutting bread is more than just a knife, there is also a slicing mold for slicing bread, which can make the sliced bread thick and thin uniform, the size is uniform, it is really very convenient.However, if the hand is steady enough and the eye is accurate enough, it is also possible to cut thick, thin and even bread, or thick or thin, as desired, according to one's preferences and needs.While the mold is convenient, it often also has a weakness: it is stereotyped and cannot be ...


Soups and snacks

Sweet bread is very, very popular in our house.In order for the family to eat good bread, I tried to report the bread course of the teacher of freedom, to get the true story of the goddess of freedom, I was so lucky!The son took the bread to school and showed it to his classmates: How much did you say this bread cost? The students couldn't guess, the son said politely: Tell me, this is what my mother made herself! The little friends were shocked!Your grandmother gave you a lot of points, didn't she? My son looked a...
