Tiramisu cake

I remember when I was a student, seeing the origins of tiramisu, it moved me for a long time.Tiramisu in the original Italian, Tira means tequila, Mi is me, Su is up, together they mean pull me up; there is also another interpretation that takes me away and remembers me, takes away not only deliciousness, but also love and happiness.Because of the relative complexity of the ingredients, I've never dared to operate it! May 1st JULIA Sister they came back, I used this to start the work! Feedback is also possible! Jus...


What is the name of the city?

Tiramisu, when I first heard the name, I thought it was beautiful, even though I didn't know what it meant.After knowing its story, I felt that it was love, and I fell deeply in love with its taste, and there was no cure for the feeling I couldn't get rid of. ...


Blueberry mousse cake

Blueberries are a different kind of fruit to me, and you can't tell how delicious they are, but if I were to use a few words to describe blueberries, I would use these three words: mysterious, noble, elegant.I've always wanted to make a blueberry cake, but for some reason, I always get into trouble when I make blueberry cake, it's okay to eat it, but it always affects the photo, it makes me very depressed, and finally I decided to make a blueberry-based mousse cake, the last peach yogurt cake was delicious, but aft...


Cheese ham bread and strawberry jam bread

Simple things, sweet to the taste....


The medicine of the mountains

Oh, I've been thinking about it....


What is the name of the city?

2 slices of gelatin (10 grams) cut open in ice water and then refrigerated to soften it
3 egg yolks, send with an el...
