Flower bean sandwiches

The charm of baking lies in the change, especially the bread, looking at an inconspicuous piece of dough, slowly changing in one's own hands, from the beginning an ordinary piece of dough that can no longer be ordinary, to the end after fermentation, baking in the oven.The moment you open the oven and see your bread freshly baked, you feel like it's all worth it.In addition to the endless praise of family and friends, life becomes rich and colorful and tasty! Instead of eating bread, flower bean sandwich bread, swe...


Mango butter and bread

You can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays, you can't eat on holidays. ...


Bread with meat

Since I learned how to make bread, I've hardly bought any bread outside, and I've made it myself, and I can play it any way I want....


Sesame bear meal packages

I remember when I met him, I was too busy at work so I didn't eat lunch, and he came back to visit me, and when he saw the situation, he immediately went to the bakery to buy bread for me, and then the sesame was sprinkled on the surface, a bite down, the sesame smell came out immediately, the sweetness is still remembered, so everyone who has sesame likes to eat, social development, living conditions are getting better, anything you want to eat can be achieved.So start making your own spicy sesame meal packages. ...


Carrot and cream sandwiches

I always remember that bread and a cup of hot milk when I worked overtime.The distance disappears into the silence.Don't say I was bought for bread, it's for bread.Now it's a blessing to be able to eat my own bread every day, and it's a blessing that will last forever......


Ginger, coconut, and purple bread

My dear old man, remember when we first met in the 1990s, it was a women's and children's store on Central Street that converted, cleared, and on impulse I took you home, at that time you were just a single-tube heater, and I only knew you could bake all kinds of desserts, but at that time there was no internet, no baking books, let alone those accompanying ingredients, so your biggest use at home was baking peas and peanuts."I'm going to decorate my happy life for you, so let's go home for the second time, this ti...


Lobster bread with soy sauce

Mix all the ingredients except the soy sauce and the brushed egg yolk until the dough is fully expanded.
It's a litt...


Caterpillar sandwiches

Milk, eggs, sugar, and salt added to the bread maker's barrel
Add high-quality flour, yeast
After stirring with ...


Black pepper and chicken legs

Love to eat bread and love to eat meat, of course you can combine, a black pepper chicken leg meal pack, not only bread leather soft and tasty, but also fragrant chicken leg meat wrapped in it, just out of the oven tastes best, combined with a cup of black tea, is a full of surprise and full of energy afternoon tea, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, just need such a fragrant nose bread to satisfy your taste buds ...


Red tea and dried grape juice

Compared to the legal stick, the soft European organization is delicate, rich in materials, and belongs to the higher-quality European package.I added black tea, proper red sugar and raisins to make it taste richer.In fact, the nutritional value of tea consists of both water-soluble and lipid-soluble parts, the latter of which is insoluble in water, no matter how many times it is drunk, it will always remain in the tea.Therefore, only drinking tea can better absorb the nutrients of tea leaves.Red tea is good for th...


Purple breadcrumbs

First of all, it's very simple! It's very economical! You don't need to rub the glove membrane, you don't need to ferment twice, you don't need to form the dough, you save a lot of links, you just need to ferment once! It's very simple to make bread!...


Fast food hamburgers

It's better to eat empty-handed than fast-handed hamburger embryos, make some frozen and take them out of the oven in the morning. ...
