Old fashioned bread

There's an old-fashioned loaf of bread that the family admires, and while they're eating it, they say it's better than any loaf of bread in the bakery.Of course, the real stuff, I chose a better quality and more expensive butter than the good one, 30 bucks for 200 grams. ...


Rose bread

Bread dough is made in a bread machine, divided into 35 pieces, then rolled and set for 15 minutes.
Start forming, f...


Caterpillar bread

The last time I made a lot of homemade noodles, I made noodle bread!...


Salad and beans

Today I'm thinking about the soft bread with a lot of salad dressing on the surface, so I made this salad dressing, the effect is quite great! Very soft bread, eat a bite of salad dressing is good, with a salty sweet taste, very good to eat, interested people try it! ...


65 degrees of coconut flower bread

Spring is the season of flowers.This beautiful coconut flower-shaped bread, because it's made with 65 degrees of soup, is softer, as soft as the inside, it's full of spring, it's full of flowers, there's always a landscape in the center......


Pineapple bread

I've got a new pattern, I don't want to make a cake, I'll try it with newly bought breadcrumbs, it's very beautiful, it's also unfashionable, thank you....


Onion and sausage

Built-in 4 tube uniform heat pump Easy to clean and oil-free inner lining is more convenient to clean after use, the bui...


Blueberry bread

Today I'm going to talk about blueberry sauce and bread for breakfast, which is a great choice with milk, and I hope you like it....


Whole wheat bread

The touchscreen control panel is gorgeous, uses wireless WIFI smart functionality, even if you're not in the kitchen, yo...


Almond bread with lettuce instead of milk

I like the taste of almonds, because I can't forget my childhood memories, so I try to use almonds instead of milk. ...


Whole wheat bread for sunflowers

Mix the whole medium in a blender, refrigerate, 24-72 hours.
After removing it, tear it into small pieces, put it in...


Mango flower bread

Mango-colored, golden-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow-yellow.This mango bread is made from the squares in the book of honey, slightly modified, the bread is baked, rich mango flavor, beautiful golden yellow, too tempting.In the activities of the Baking Newcomer Show, with the support of friends, he won the prize, got the best baking of honey sugar, zero failure baked good taste, very much liked. ...
