Five pieces of golden cow horn bread

All ingredients except butter are kneaded into a smooth dough, added to small pieces of butter, kneaded to the expansion...


Milk and honey bread

High starch flour, low starch flour, eggs, milk, yeast, sugar mixed together, performing a kneading process
Add butt...


Cranberry bread

I wanted to try a real one-bottle, so this time I put olive oil, and I put the flour with the liquid.
Put it in the ...


Tea and honey bags

Salt and sugar eggs in the packing machine
Pour the milk into the tea powder, then pour the flour, and finally sprin...


Port-style pineapple oil

Just finished making the pizza dough, the horseshoe-shaped dough is poured into the bread bucket and continues.It's exhausting to be a few hours early.There's not much more to say, just do it. ...


Rose bread

The recipe given by a friend was captured at first glance by the shape of the rose. ...


Super soft steak

The key to the success or failure of bread is whether the dough is the same, the handmade dough is also physically alive....


Chocolate milk bread

Put the yeast in the milk.
Add flour A uniformly and spread to twice the size in a warm place
In a well-fermente...


Cotton candy and rain clouds - milk red bean bread

Uncle Box: Japanese.Today Little Green told me that people are so strange now that they don't write poems or letters.I asked Little Green what the poem was, and what the letter was, and Little Green asked me who I wanted to write the first letter to, and I didn't think to say I wanted to write it to Uncle Box.So there's this letter.The rain clouds that my uncle showed me a few days ago, these days have turned into rain falling to the ground, when the rain is not so heavy, I went with little green to step on the wat...


Natural yeast chocolate villages

All the materials can be mixed evenly and smoothly until the film comes out.
Fermented to 2-2.5 times
Remove the...


Cranberry soft bread

A new product developed for the American Cranberry Market Association by Mr. Cao Jianqing, the pioneer of Chinese candy, hurry up and follow the master to make a cranberry soft European bread to give to his/her/their loved ones. ...


Rose bread

Preparation of materials.
Everything but butter is mixed into the dough to make it twice as big.
Average cut to ...
