Cheese and honeybees

I bought wheat germ to make toast, and it's true that the family doesn't like toast very much, but they all remembered the rose sauce they made, and added some to the dough!...


Breakfast packages from Cape Cow

This is a breakfast for my son, who hasn't eaten milk since he was a year and a month old, because he's allergic to milk powder, and my daughter can only adjust his nutrition by making breakfast herself, making snacks, hoping he looks healthy. ...


Tea and bread rolls

I love the green of the matcha, and I feel that any baked goods that are made are eye-catching.In fact, they say it's like a big green worm, but in any case, this little green fat guy can conquer you with his taste....


Flower bread

For the first time, it's all manual without a bread machine....


+ meat loaf

Since I learned how to make bread, I've hardly bought any bread outside, and I've made it myself, and I can play it any way I want....


Red sugar whole wheat toast

Now they make all kinds of bread, mostly with red sugar, because it's good for girls.This toast is perfect for girls to eat. ...


Red bean bags

My favorite is red bean wrap, it's more natural than buttermilk, it's for breakfast for the kids, it's cute and cute......


Milk flower bread

A new attempt at a bread machine...


A thousand layers of cranberry bread

I'm a color-controlled, appearance-oriented, play-loving baker, how can I be satisfied with one button? So today I tried hand-made, bread maker-baked cranberry thousand-layer bread again, the result is really good! You can tear the bread by hand, and the sour-sweet cranberry cranberry from time to time brings people constant surprises and expectations! ...


Bread with coconut milk

The finished product is soft silk, in the middle you can eat the white-scented coconut, after school you go home and make something for your son, you get a high rating from your son, he says it's very good to eat!...


Rose cheese bags

I bought wheat germ to make toast, it's true that the family doesn't like toast very much, everyone remembers the rose sauce they made, add some to the toast! Then I saw the cheese flower bags made with mousse circles, so I decided to do plastic surgery too!...


Breakfast packages from Cape Cow

The baby can't drink milk, for the daughter only change the pattern make him breakfast, make snacks hope he eats healthy, long health ...
