Mummy bread

I'm always busy, and a lot of festivals don't have a good way to express myself with food.This Halloween is not a national holiday, but it has a strong festive character.A lot of books are about it.The children's drawing lessons also made relevant drawings.Watching your friends cook one dish after another, your hands still itch?Well, take the time to be this simple little man.The children are especially fond of it.What the kids like is the best, next year we'll try to learn to do other things. ...


Halloween pumpkin bread

Middle method: dissolve the yeast powdered pumpkin juice in a bowl
Then add the high-powdered milk powder and salt i...


French milk bread

It's a very light-tasting bread, suitable for main dishes, I'm on the basis of the original recipe, and I've reduced the use of sugar and oil; I have some complications, both high sugar and high oil, every time before I start, I have to recalculate to reduce the use of sugar oil, but I can't get rid of sugar butter, all kinds of complications, I like to use it to make coffee, make milk... ...


Bacon rolls

The kids have been asking me all the time lately when to make bacon bread? Actually, it's a busy time, no one has time to bake bread, the kids have been asking so many times, it means they want to eat it, so last night after closing the store, I made this bacon roll for them, it was already 1 in the morning, it was just breakfast in the morning, at noon they went home from school for lunch, the two little guys destroyed two more. ...


Purple bread with potatoes

In exchange for the baby of the heart, I made this colorful bread with the purple potato powder in it, which is good to look at and good to eat. ...


Cow horns

Is the first reaction when you hear the name that it's shaped like a cow's horn? Yes, it's a bit strange, if you're not familiar with the name, you can't think of whether it's a cake or a bread?...


100% Chinese cream bread

Bread is an essential part of our breakfast and a must-try dish for every baker.There are many, many types of bread, there are American, European, whole wheat, sweet, salty, strange, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, stuffed.We often eat big, sweet bread, and many baking enthusiasts make the most of bread like the one in the picture.This bread is simple and delicious, and it is better to eat it sliced directly or smeared with jam, or processed into a sandwich.This bread is based on the original Chinese H...


Dried raisins

Almost every time I go out, I buy a small meal bag from the convenience store at the entrance of the subway station, and the Norwegians are funny, the small meal bags are presented in real material.Grapefruit can be seen at a glance as grapefruit, and so can chocolate.In fact, you don't have to go out to make it, you can make it at home.The recipe comes from a Norwegian baker, and she says that the recipe hasn't changed in 25 years, and it's a great recipe. ...


Quick bread and bread.

This bread is basically an oil-free country bread that doesn't need to be rolled, and it's simple to operate, and it's easy for beginners to operate.Of course, the ingredients are different, and the taste is different, and there's a big difference in the taste between my grandpa and the real Russian grandpa, and I didn't say authentic, but don't rely on the authentic.I don't weigh four or five kilos, I don't have such a big oven at home, I only weigh about two kilos.With the addition of honey red beans, the flavor ...


Pumpkin and cheese bread

During the pumpkin season, pumpkin-flavored bread is also naturally essential, and today it was implemented, using pumpkin paste to make this bread, using milk instead of water.Since this baking class is about cheese, this bread should also be in line with the theme, each bread is wrapped in a piece of cheese, which is a full-bodied bread.To make the kids like it, I did my hair with masurilla, I painted my face with chocolate, I made it look like a pumpkin, it looks cute too!...


Chocolate bean bread

This is a small, soft bread full of chocolate, soft in taste, simple in ingredients, not only with cocoa powder but also with sweet chocolate, so that you can warm up with this energy breakfast pack in this cooling season. ...


Cake of dates

This date cake has a thick, soft, soft flavor, and is suitable for both young and old. ...
