Cake with black sesame seeds

Preparation materials: protein egg yolk separation, low flour, wheat flour mixed with sieve.
Put the milk, the butte...


The Shabbadah

The sign of a good shabada is the irregular holes inside... the bigger the head, the lighter the better... the authentic shabada is made with a flour that is between high flour and medium flour... so I used coconut flour... for the first time I made a bread with a high water content... my hands and feet are messy... there is a lot of room for improvement in the middle......


Amish white rice

Now let me tell you about its custom menu! It's a DIY program that allows you to understand the process of making bread, so you can make your own time at your leisure, so that every different bread you make has a program that is best suited for you.Today I'm making Amish white rice, and the finished product is soft, delicious, and well-organized!...


Old fashioned bread

Because the old-fashioned bread tastes good, it's also one of my favorite ways to make bread. ...


Black beer whole wheat bread Stout Bread

Do you want to know what surprises come with the use of liquid bread as a moisturizer in the dough? From the dough, fermentation, to baking, the whole kitchen is filled with the strong malt aroma of black beer.Chewing slowly, using the taste buds to feel how the bread interprets the sweet malt aroma of the black beer so vividly.I love the sweetness and bitterness of black beer, and I love the taste of black beer in my cooking.The square weight is based on the Texas Farmer Sisters, slightly modified.It is suitable f...


Almond cake

Pour the almonds into the bowl.
Add white sugar;
Add the honey;
Add the butter;
Heating the bowl separat...
