German snacks

All the ingredients are ready and ready.
All dry raw materials (except decorative cereals) are placed in a milling p...


Red bean bread

Mix all the bread ingredients into a cluster.
Rub with your hand until it expands.
It is cooked in a warm place ...


Old-fashioned bread fermented at low temperature

Since the beginning of last year, the food and oil stores in the neighborhood and the small shops outside have been selling an old-fashioned bread, and one day my son said he wanted to taste it, so he bought one for the next morning, and then he passed by, and my son wanted to buy it again, and I wondered, I always make bread at home, why do I always want to go out and buy bread?So I'm not discouraged, I'm always at home baking bread, how can I let my son always think about the bread sold abroad?! Find a recipe, tr...


Red bean bread

Adding some low-fat flour to the dough can make the bread taste softer.However, low-quality flour is not readily available and can be made from plain flour and cornstarch. ...


Cranberry bread

He likes the taste of northern Shaanxi yellow rice (also known as chickpeas) and has a strong, sweet rice flavor.I wanted to know how to make something that was sweet and not chewy, so I tried it with high-quality flour, added cranberries, made into bread, and ate it with a very strong chili pepper, and also chewy bread, very good, my colleagues ate it and felt super good to eat it. ...


Sugar-free whole wheat bread

I love food, food loves me! A world without sugar is so much fun!...


Simple French long sticks without molds

Loving to chew strong food, chewing slowly is also a way of exercise, the food is full in the mouth, every bite is so full and happy!...


Red bean bread blooms like a flower

Keep playing red beans, red beans are sweet and sour, non-toxic.Red beans have the function of nourishing, strengthening the stomach, removing moisture, and draining pus, passing milk, red beans are good things, oh, we should eat them often!...


Red sugar oat bread

Nutritionists often say that the nutritional value of wheat flour is low because of the loss of nutrients during food processing, and we should add all kinds of coarse grains so that the taste and nutrition are satisfied.Today, the remaining ingredients of the house were added to the flour to make delicious oatmeal bread. ...


Two-tone round bread

50 grams of boiled purple potatoes are placed in a bowl and slightly crushed.
The dough is added to the bread barrel...


Cranberry milk and cream

This one is based on your recipe, and I've made some changes, and I like low-fat, low-sugar snacks, so I've reduced the amount of butter and sugar, and I've added some milk.It's delicious, and it's delicious....


Glass heart cookies

Preparing the butter
In winter, when the temperature is low, it is recommended to put the butter on the stove, heat ...
