Cranberry biscuits made at home

Put the butter in a stainless steel bowl first.
Take the right amount of dried cranberries.
Cut the ends into pi...


Sweetheart biscuits

It's very simple, it's not difficult, it's not tricky, and you can do it with your kids, and they'll be happy to help you, and they'll be able to use their imagination to make creative designs....


The cherry blossom cookie

Last time I made a flower cake, I made a lot of flowers.The leftover cream can't be wasted, give her a good place to go so she can continue to be beautiful and elegant.The flowers are red and green, so after washing these cream flowers with clean water, they still have some pale colors.So I was inspired to make a flower, and I was inspired to make a flower, and I was inspired to make a flower.I had a cherry blossom cookie mold in my hand, and instead of making a traditional cherry blossom cookie, I made this cherry...


Butterfly butterfly

I made a vanilla butterfly the other day, and it got consistent reviews.So someone suggested that I want to eat it, and I played with it today, and I made a double-flavored butterfly soup, which is still so beautiful, but it tastes even better.Baking is like this, watching us turn flour, clean water and other ingredients into beauty, the joy in my heart is indescribable.On the road to baking, we can only learn and learn, refer and refer, and combine our preferences to make a happy and sweet baking journey. ...


Thousand layers of cake

My husband doesn't like snacks like biscuits, but he's obsessed with this crispy, crispy pie.It's almost always in the house, and every few days I have to make it again, and he says it's too fat, it's too sweet, it's not for him, it's a pie, it's crispy, it's crispy, it's sweet, it's sweet, it's hard on his stomach.In fact, the first time I made a leftover skin, I just made a cookie out of it, and it tasted really good.Later, I saw a similar idea in a baking book, haha, the square is so simple that even a beginner ...


Lemon cookies

Prepare the necessary materials.
One lemon peel, squeeze out the fresh lemon juice for backup.
After softening t...


The monkey mushroom soda cookie

Monkey mushroom biscuits are now a popular health gift.And the monkey mushroom biscuits that I make, the ingredients are more refined, the ingredients are more delicate, and the irreplaceable love that I make with my own hands is a more warm gift!With that success, there was basically nothing to worry about when making this savory soda cookie.According to the soda biscuit practice, once successful, salty and crispy, with a lot of monkey head mushroom powder, it looks like a cereal biscuit that doesn't look good, bu...


Sugar cream cookies

Although Christmas is a Western festival, in recent years we Chinese have also enjoyed this festival, of course Christmas is not short of Santa Claus and Christmas hats and small gifts, it is customary to use food to express the arrival of the festival, so let's have a Christmas cookie made especially for this festival!...


Flaxseed flakes

Flaxseed is a nut that lowers blood pressure, lowers blood lipids, and prevents the growth of diabetes and tumors. ...


Buttoned cookies

Come and see if you've lost the buttons on your clothes. Hurry up and fill your stomach if you're hungry....


Whole wheat black sesame cookies

I've made many biscuits, I've never tried to add whole wheat flour to the biscuits, what's the taste, one day I want my child to bring a small snack to a friend's family, I'm going to start making biscuits, then I think this has been done many times, the sugar powder is relatively high in sweetness, or the taste is better, I want to try this recipe, I didn't expect it to be very successful the first time. ...


Cranberry milk biscuits

I've been planning to start baking, buying materials, etc. I've had time and energy to do it, I've been walking and stopping for half a month.I really started baking yesterday, because I'm a beginner, so I'm going to start with an entry-level baked cranberry cookie. ...
