It is also known as the "Black Sesame Soft" or "Demonco 60L".

I've got a big bottle of black sesame sauce, and I've made a chocolate smoothie before, and I can't stop it, so I'm going to make another black sesame smoothie, and I'm going to put a lot of sesame sauce in it, and I don't want it!...


Wheat flour and honey bean bread

There are three varieties of Siberian wheat flour, three varieties of wheat flour and three varieties of wheat flour.First try to make this soft European bag with cornmeal. ...


French cheese bread

And speaking of butter and cheese, since I found this book about the mixture of butter and cheese, I can't help but be cautious when I see these two words again.The French cheese bread, the processed cheese, the look of the wrapping, and the vague glow from the dough after baking don't feel like butter before.I just don't know what kind of processed cheese it is.I've got a piece of cheddar cheese in my hand, and I'm going to use it here.Just make half a slice of cheese bread, this slice of cheese should be enough.C...


The Practice of Bread

It's not just the kids who love it, it's the adults who love it, it's the adults who love it, it's the kids who love it, it's the kids who love it, it's the kids who love it, it's the kids who love it....


Black sesame seeds and whole wheat flour

Preparation of food.
All the ingredients of the medium are poured together, stirred with chopsticks into flakes, the...


Fast beer bread

This is not the intended beer bread.After deciding to use beer for bread, I accidentally looked up the combination of beer and bread and discovered that it's not the same.The ingredients are simple, and the operation is quick.Without the long wait for yeast fermentation, mix the dough and put it in the oven immediately.It's kind of like a muffin, it's kind of like an oven version of a cake, and it's kind of like a cake....He is a member of the Chinese Communist Party.It's just the shape of a toast.Curiosity arose, ...


High-fiber weight loss pack

Nowadays, people are more and more focused on health, and any food with whole wheat and whole grains is bound to be a hit.But there are unscrupulous businessmen everywhere, many so-called whole-wheat foods are just added caramel color, today the tomato teacher teaches you how to make real high-fiber weight loss bread and whole-wheat toast at home? ...


Onion and cheese bread

This is a very good lace effect, soft and fragrant little bread, very popular with children, the square refers to the home of love. ...


Purple toast

Purple potatoes, also known as black potatoes, are purple or dark purple in color.Studies have found that purple potatoes contain more nutrients than ordinary sweet potatoes.Of these, the elements phosphorus and chlorophyll are unique to purple potatoes.It has a preventive and therapeutic effect on more than 100 diseases and is known as the seventh most essential nutrient after water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. It enhances the body's immunity and removes free radicals.Purple potatoes have...


Whole wheat toast

Whole wheat flour is a natural source of water-soluble dietary fiber.It can lower cholesterol and control blood sugar.2. It is fat-free, low in calories, and rich in complex carbohydrates.It contains a large amount of B vitamins, E vitamins, potassium and iron, etc. It is the best food for maintaining a slim body.The B vitamins contained in whole wheat have some preventive and dietary effects on foot and mouth disease and various skin diseases. ...


Red date toast

Many friends, excitedly bought a bread maker, then excitedly started making bread, and then soon were beaten down by all kinds of blows, sent the bread maker to people some, some of the high-ranking ones, why, because the big pieces made by the bread maker are not edible.It's not really a problem with the baking machine, it's that we don't use it very often, we don't know the condition of the dough, or there's a problem with the amount of the recipe, so there's a lot of problems.Today, we've turned the bread machin...


Bacon and salt bread

I don't like sweets very much in my house, and that's the biggest reason why my baking hasn't progressed much, but any recipe for sweets has to be improved in my house, otherwise it's useless.That day, I told my daughter to make salty bread for her to eat, and people said, "What salty bread, it's not salty, it doesn't taste, it's not good to eat at all".Ha, is this giving directions to mom? Okay, then improve.Today, I made a salty bread with a square that was close to a baguette, and I finally made one that my daug...
