Mango and cheese cake

Prepare to digest the biscuit base first.
Digested biscuits are packed in preservative bags, crushed into powder wit...


Ten inches of cake

I don't have a step-by-step diagram, so I'm going to give you a 360 degree view of my windshield, and I think I'm going to choose a 10 inch windshield, and you should have some understanding of windshields, so no step-by-step diagram is irrelevant....


Tomato and cheese pie

First, the butter and sponge sugar are mixed until they are thin.
Add the eggs to the mixture evenly.
Add low-fa...


Black and butter cookies

Spread the softened butter, add fine sugar, salt and vanilla extract and continue to spread for 2 minutes.
Add sifte...


17 hours of refrigerated toast

17 hours of refrigeration is the basis of the bread master Unicorn's original bread dough, with this method of fermentation, the dough is more easily rubbed out of the membrane, and the dough is strong after fermentation, the baked finished product has a high degree of expansion, the moisture retention is also better, it can be stored for a long time, in my refrigerator, I often put such a piece of dough in the dough, I can always combine other main dough materials according to my taste, make all kinds of bread and...


Mango fire dragon mousse cup

The rest of the fruit and fresh cream from the cake is made into a mousse cup, which tastes great and is beautiful, has a smooth taste, and is great to eat in the summer....


Banana peel pie

It's already November, and it's still thirty degrees in the south, which is a big problem for me, who made a thousand layers of ghee for the first time, in order to participate in a ghee party on November 1st, I had to do it with a hard scalp, the whole process of ghee folding was not very smooth, every time I opened the dough, I always felt like the butter inside was about to melt, it was very time-consuming and painful, fortunately the finished product still fit together, I could use it. ...


Mango yogurt and frozen cheese cake

It's my grandmother's birthday, and I'd like to give her a homemade cake, so let's make her birthday cake different this year. ...


The invincible baby's heart - the cartoon burned fruit

It's a very simple dessert, and the ingredients are available in supermarkets, babies, hurry up and give your baby a surprise!...


Onion and egg noodles

Materials: eggs and onions
The noodles.
Put the eggs in a bowl and add the right amount of wine.
The eggs ar...


Mixed cookie boxes

Three dogs took four days off for the National Day! Big favor! I made a roast and gave it to my boyfriend's family...


Cheese and pizza

Cleaning utensils
Measure the main ingredient.
The yeast is heated, added to the salt, mixed, and poured into a ...
