Making cookies for the first time

Sugar, salt, oil, and eggs are put together and sent at low speed to the terrace in a thread.
Since it's peanut oil,...


Milk cubes - pocket health biscuits

A crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp, crisp. ...


The sandwich bar.

If you want to be lazy, you can use a microwave.
Add the whole egg juice to the butter and stir evenly in the egg be...


Dark chocolate and almond cookies

Preparing food
Butter softening with sugar powder
Send it to a larger size and a lighter color.
I'm going to...


Oreos and cookies

First, cut the Oreo biscuits into small pieces and prepare them; mix the butter and the sugar powder until they are thin...


Chocolate bean cookies

Cut the butter into small pieces and soften at room temperature
The softened butter is placed in the stirring bucket...


Cranberry cookies and cookies

The first thing I learned how to bake was to make cookies, and it didn't feel hard to keep them in the office, so I could share them with my friends. ...


Margaret's cookies

Sifting the cooked egg yolk into powder
Use your hands and knead all the mixture into a smooth, even dough. Use your...


This is a panda cookie.

If you look at the finished product, do you think it's magical? Do you think it's possible to do this? In fact, the method is not difficult, the difficulty is that the dough in the mold is easy to crack, especially with cocoa powder, the solution is to add butter or milk to the mold depending on the situation.This is definitely the biggest difficulty I've encountered since I started baking, but I've been fortunate enough to hold on with a tough, unbreakable heart, and the results are more satisfying, only love life...


Onion soup and biscuits

In order to produce more results, the amount of oil has increased significantly, but the amount of oil has not changed, so it is less oil, healthier, but still very crisp. ...


The cookie.

I want to give my son natural cookies....


Cranberry cookies

Prepare all the ingredients and cut the dried cranberries into small pieces for backup.
Low-fat flour screened
