Cinnamon cookies



Whole wheat sweet potatoes

In fact, it's not, it's just that Sagittarius is too lively, loves to make plans, but it's also a big change, as long as it's for the better. What's more, potatoes are really good things, thick fiber, taste sweet and soft and sticky, it's good to eat alone, eating more potatoes can also increase stomach cramps, treat constipation, but he also has a bad place, eats more love to fart.Don't worry about him, eat the good stuff first.It's also a delicious way to give coarse grain a snack without refined flour, with a po...


Homemade mooncakes

I don't remember the last few years I've been making mooncakes, and I've been making ice cream with ice cream, and I've been making sushi with fresh meat.I thought this was the end of the moon cake, but this year I ate the French moon cake again, which gave me the desire for PK, and I also want to blow a moon cake mixture at home.What's going on with this French moon cake? It's the popular moon cake that I tasted two days ago at the delicious place, it's a combination of French pastry making and Chinese moon cake.A...


Banana and honey muffins

Well, muffins are so simple, if you don't want to bother, come up with all kinds of muffins. Look at the size of the mold, the following portion can make 8 to 12 muffins. ...


Fresh fruit cake

To make such a cake, entirely because of my daughter, because my daughter is allergic to eggs, so the bread and cake in the market she has nothing to do with it, to make such a cake entirely to fulfill my daughter's little wish: my birthday can also eat cake!...


Cream of butter

There is a romantic legend that when cream and cake got married, there was a Hamilton cream cake, and bread fell in love with it, and it buried its love for cream deep in its heart, and there was a bubble. ...


Hive cake

This is the recipe for your 10-minute cake, and I love it....


Banana and chocolate muffins

I like small things, so make the muffins small, one bite at a time.The sweetness of the banana and the chocolate give this little heart an unparalleled flavor, and the muffin with the banana paste is wetter and sweeter! Although the use of vegetable oil does not make her inferior to butter, it is lower in calories and less burdensome.The process is also very simple, all you have to do is stir, and it's a delicious dish worth trying!...


Red date and sugar cake

Dates are peeled, put in a blender and crushed.
Milk + date seeds + olive oil + red sugar, heated to boil, away from...


Coffee and almond muffins

Quick-dissolve coffee powder with a small tablespoon of water to make a backup coffee liquid
The eggs are mixed with...


The bubble

Preheat the oven to 180°C and heat the butter, milk, and cream together with the sugar and salt until boiling.
Pour ...


Coffee and cheese puffs

I've always thought of puff pastry as a magical toy, a cookie-like dough that can swell into empty little buns, crispy puff pastry skin, rich in flavor, and feel like you're eating a cheesecake version of puff pastry.The filling is thick, the whole entrance is thick, the whole entrance is thick, thank you!...
