The white lover's lava cake

Cut the chocolate into small pieces and melt it with butter.
Add eggs and sugar in a stirring bowl and stir evenly.<...


Strawberry cheese cake

Today is the last day of the event, more than a month has passed, it is said that it is more than a month, but in fact the event has been going on from 2012 to 2013, it is also a year-long event.Every time I participate in an event, there is a touch at the end, and no matter what the end result is, I will remember that in the 2012-2013 cross-year event, I took something seriously and did something that is over, but it will be a precious memory that will not be forgotten.I've made a lot of cakes, blueberries, mangoe...


Steamed cake

There's a popular online criterion for being a mother: you can cook, you can go to class, you can make a cake, you can tell a story.I've learned to count, I've learned to speak grammar, I've learned to edit, I've learned to make newspapers.If you know how to play the piano, you can draw.I've searched the attack, I've found the sights.I've packed my bags, I've taken pictures, I've come up with ideas, I've done activities, I've earned my tuition, I've paid for my groceries.The most important thing is to be able to co...


Cocoa and strawberry rolls

I don't know if it's the wrong way to open it, or if it's the wrong brand, or if it's the wrong way to open it, or if it's the wrong way to open it, or if it's the wrong way to open it, or if it's the wrong way to open it, or if it's the wrong way to open it, or if it's the wrong way to open it, or if it's the wrong way to open it....


Pumpkin seed cake

It's a small cake, it's small, it's soft, it's sweet, it's tasty, it doesn't have any baking powder additives, it doesn't have any preservatives, it's really healthy and safe.It's a good choice for breakfast and dinner. ...


Cake with milk and vinegar

Once the summer comes, the milk doesn't last, but making cake bread often doesn't have enough milk, but every time you open a big glass of milk, you can't finish it, the rest is made into yogurt and too little, you can't keep it for long, so it's always depressing...I think everyone uses refined milk to spread the bread, but where there is a need for milk, it becomes refined milk, duang right away, it's good to eat and don't worry about the quality of the milk!I asked her if she didn't think it was too sweet to dri...


Tea and mint rolls

A few mints downstairs, once again reflecting the value and meaning of her existence. ...


It's very simple and perfect.

I've done a lot of quizzes, I haven't written the basics of quizzes yet, I'm going to use this event to re-experience with the players the seven crazy things that drove me crazy at the beginning, the players are very good, quizzes are one more than one perfect, half-hangers like me don't dare to be a teacher at all, just send out what I think is a good square, for reference.(Originally from Invincible Queen's Little Rabbit) He said that when he first started his journey, he was also an old man, and he didn't regain...


Chocolate cake with olive oil

Avocado chocolate cake (adapted from Joyer The Baker) Note: The following recipe makes about 10 paper cup cakes...


Durian green tea honey

When summer comes, I like to have a little fresh flavor, like this green tea cake, it's very good, plus my favorite durian cream, wow~ good taste! Oh! These durian cream creams are left over when making durian bubbles oh~ many people will ask, send the cream creams, don't finish, how to dispose of themI usually make a wooden cup or bake a 10-inch square cake, cut it into small squares, and then apply the leftover cream in the middle, how do you consume them?...


Coffee sponge cake rolls

If you haven't tried it, you can't imagine how rich and aromatic it is. I didn't think it would be so delicious before I made it. Oh! The aroma of walnuts combined with the richness of coffee, imagine the taste!...


Hamburger with ham

All materials except corn oil are placed in the wrapping machine, started and processed.
At the end of the process, ...
