Castor twisting bread

It's the first time I've made cassava bread, and it's very soft.This time the dough was so soft that I had to use hand powder to make it, otherwise it would be sticky.The amount of milk is a bit more, it should be reduced by another 10-15 grams, because cassava is a lot of moisture.So, the amount of liquid in the dough has to be added slowly, I'm not thinking about it this time!This loaf of bread I made is a little thick, next time I'll make it with 240 grams of flour.I found out that I now like to make small bread...


Whole wheat bread

For those who love to eat and are afraid of being fat, whole wheat bread is the best choice. It's full of flavor, but it's not so easy to cook meat. Some time ago, I cooked a little coconut, and this afternoon I made a whole wheat coconut bread to relieve my appetite....


Lightly powdered rose bread

Today I baked a light-powdered rose bread for my family.The children love the variety of bread, and often make it for breakfast, homemade bread without butter, nutritious and healthy. ...


Banana milk bread

All ingredients except butter are mixed together and stirred (salt does not come into direct contact with the yeast and ...


A gallon of bread

With the bread machine, it's easy to free your hands, especially with the one-button bread.Today I recommend a black-gallon loaf of bread, which is very soft. ...


Fruit and vegetable packages

Lately I just want to make all kinds of bread....


Cheese bags are a delight to eat

I've never tasted it - I only bought it for my daughter at a cake shop once, and she told me it was too sweet and too tasty, and of course she didn't dare compliment me on the ingredients.Today I made a cheese bag for the first time, it tastes great, it looks complicated, but it's really simple, so let's share it below....


Sweet rice bread

There's a kind of love in the sweetness of the rice, it's like the spring wind, it's like the rain, it's like the rain, it's like the spring wind, it's like the spring wind, it's like the spring wind, it's like the spring wind.If you can't express your love, do it with your hands! In the precious time of the morning, enjoy breakfast with your family, enjoy happiness...


Crowned bread

Birthday bread.I don't want to make cream cake.On a summer day like this, the cream melts very easily, making people busy and confused.Moreover, the cream cake is not as thick as the pound cake, after all, the fat content is still relatively high, so try not to eat as little as possible.And after making a cake, you have to think about where the leftover cream goes.This is the kind of thing that even the cream doesn't bother to prepare.But there's always something to say.Why is cream cake the star of the festival? W...


The practice of whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread, a must-have for breakfast! After a night of nutritional consumption, the vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body can be replenished in time at breakfast, which is very beneficial for health.Eat a whole wheat bread! Full of energy all day!...


Natural yeast coconut milk meal pack

Pani Popo means coconut-flavored meal package, originating from the Samoan Islands (Samoan Islands or Samoa Islands) in the South Pacific, and is also often seen in other nearby areas such as Hawaii.The dough itself is not complex, the unique thing is that the coconut paste is not mixed in the dough, but is poured into the mold before baking, so the package is soaked in coconut paste and baked.After baking, part of the coconut paste is absorbed by the dough, making the texture softer, and the rest becomes a thick s...


Cabbage bread

The other day, I baked some coconut and grape flower bread, which tasted good, but because the temperature and time were not adjusted properly, it did not achieve the desired effect.On the Internet, I checked the relationship between the size of the bread and the temperature of the time, the baking temperature and the volume of the bread in contrast, the larger the volume of the bread, the lower the temperature, the longer the time; conversely, the smaller the volume, the higher the temperature, the shorter the tim...
